
Professor Golombiewski Teixeira is a Distinguished Professor of Innovation and Public Policy at School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University and Citi Chair Professor of International Business at Schwartzman College at Tsinghua University and Professor of Tsinghua-Berkley Shenzhen Institute. He is a columnist of several prestigious Chinese Publication such as CGTN, China Today, China Daily, China Finance and Cotemporary World. He is an active member of the International Finance Forum and from different Government Institutions in China.

Professor Golombiewski Teixeira has a B.A. in Economics from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), and a M.A. in Latin America Economics from University of São Paulo (USP) and a Ph.D. in Technology and Innovation Management from University of Sussex.

Professor Golombiewski Teixeira has spent his last 20 years working in academia, public policy institutions, international institutions, and the private sector at the same time.  Professor Golombiewski Teixeira has a unique background with a broad perspective in different areas such as Innovation and Industrial Policies, Development Policies, Digital Economy, International Trade, Foreign Direct Investment, among others.

Professor Golombiewski Teixeira was Visiting Professor on Innovation and International Trade – Columbia University – New York.  He was Minister in the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, Executive - Acting Minister of Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, and Foreign Trade. President of Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development, President of Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, and Chief Economic Advisor to the President of Brazil. He was also President of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) both United Nations Affiliated Institutions.

Professor Golombiewski Teixeira also had served as a board member of the Brazilian National Development Bank for 12 years before, as well as in National Energy Policy Council, National Council for Metrology, Standardization, Quality, and Technology, National Intellectual Property Institute Council, and in more than a dozen Brazilian and international private sector companies such as Klabin and Suzano Paper and Pulp and AES Corporation among many others.

Professor Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira has been a guest lecturer in many universities around the world, including INSEAD in France, Sorbonne-France, Bocconi- Italy, Tokyo University, University of Pretoria, Harvard University, MIT, UNAM Mexico, Imperial College UK, Oxford–UK, LSE–UK, among many other higher education institutions. He also has presented over 900 lectures on five continents in forums like the World Economic Forum, BRICS Summits, Rio + 20, UNCTAD, Investment Forums, World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, CIFIT-China, OECD, G20, Islamic Developing Bank, World Social Forum among many others.

In 2008, Professor Golombiewski Teixeira was nominated as “Personality of the Year 2008 - Latin America” by the prestigious British Newspaper Financial Times. He was knighted in 2007 with the highest Brazilian Commends "Comenda da Ordem do Rio Branco” the Brazilian government grants this command award to those who made relevant contributions to the country on the international stage and 2014 “Comendador da Ordem do Mérito da Defesa” to acknowledge his military as well as a civil substantial contribution to Brazil’s Development.


1. Teixeira, A G. The Red Phoenix Secrets - How Innovation Has Transformed China into an Economic Power that is Changing the Course of the World. To be published by ContraCorrente publisher in October 2021 in Brazil.


2. Teixeira, A G. South-South Cooperation: Theoretical perspective and Empirical Realities: The case of Brazil and China in Sub Saharan Africa, (Forthcoming-2021).


3. Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira and Aaron Schneider- Handbook on China Latin America and the Caribbean Economic Relations –. (Forthcoming), November 2021.


4. Teixeira, A G. Industrial and Innovation Policy in Developing Countries: A comparative Analysis- (Forthcoming-2022).


5. Teixeira, A G. Dez anos de política industrial balanço & perspectivas 2004 • 2014, ABDI, Brasília 2016. Apresentação – Experiência das políticas industrias brasileiras.


6. Teixeira, A G. Produtividade no Brasil: desempenho e determinantes – Vol.2– IPEA, Brasília 2015. Apresentação. In De Negri e Cavalcante (Organizadores) / Brasília, 2015.


7. Teixeira, A G. Produtividade no Brasil: desempenho e determinantes – Vol.1– IPEA, Brasília 2014. Apresentação. In De Negri e Cavalcante (Organizadores) / Brasília, 2014.


8. Teixeira, A G. Intensidade tecnológica e internacionalização de empresas brasileiras in Porque o Brasil não é um país de alto crescimento? J.Olympio, Rio de Janeiro, 2006.


9. Teixeira, A and Wen Y. - Shenzhen Innovation Policy – Is it a successful case? Journal Science and Public Policy, 2022. (Forthcoming) -.


10. Teixeira, A. Export Performance and the Importance of Dynamic Capabilities in Brazilian Export Firms – A structural Analysis. Journal of International Business Studies, 2021. (Forthcoming).


11. Teixeira, A. G7 Taxation - A false start or leading running? Contemporary World, July 2021, n 476, Beijing China.


12. Teixeira, A. After the super boom---China in the LAC region. Central Banking Institute, London, UK, 2020.


13. Teixeira, A. O debate Brasileiro sobre crescimento Econômico: O papel da política Industrial na última década. Revista Conjuntura Econômica, IBRE, RJ 2018.


14. TEIXEIRA, A G. A estratégia Nacional de exportações brasileiras. APEXBRASIL, Brasília, 2010.


15. TEIXEIRA, A G. O setor Coureiro-Calçadista na ótica da Política Industrial. Revista Courobusiness. São Paulo, 2008.


16. TEIXEIRA, A G. A Nova Política de Desenvolvimento Industrial Brasileira, IPEA, Brasília, 2005.


17. TEIXEIRA, A. MARTIN, B. AND VON TULZEMAN N. Identification of Key Emerging Issues in Science and Society: An International l Perspective on National Foresight Studies. ICSU, Paris 2003.


18. TEIXEIRA, A. G.; CAMPOS, A. L. S. Política Industrial & Capacitação: Síntese Evolucionária na Compreensão da Prática. Leituras de Economia Política, 2002.


19. TEIXEIRA, A. G.; CASTILHOS, C. Sistema Locais de Produção e a Importância de Setores Estratégicos. Fundação de Economia e Estatística, Porto Alegre, 1999.


20. TEIXEIRA, A. G. O novo contexto mundial e o desafio tecnológico da América Latina: um estudo comparativo - Argentina, Brasil e México, BP.MS – FAPESP, São Paulo, 1998.


21. TEIXEIRA, A. G.; STERN, R. Sistema de Gestão de Informações Estratégicas do Governo de São Paulo uma análise Estrutural. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1997.


22. TEIXEIRA, A. G.; BALBINOT, Z. FRACASSO, E. M. A The Intellectual property: The Interaction between University and private Sector - CNPQ-NITEC, Porto Alegre, 1996.


23. TEIXEIRA, A. G.; ZAWISLAK, P. FIRST, L. Instrumentos de Gestão para Empresas de Tecnologia Madura no Rio Grande do Sul. CNPQ-Ed. UFRGS, Porto Alegre, 1995.


24. TEIXEIRA, A. G.; FRACASSO, E. M. ZAWISLAK, P. As Novas regras do comércio mundial e o desenvolvimento tecnológico brasileiro. UFRGS- NITEC, Porto Alegre, 1994.