
Biying Shou received her Bachelor's degree from the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University and her Master's and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences from Northwestern University, USA. Her research focuses on operations and supply chain management as well as network economics. She has published in leading journals, such as Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, and IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. She has also won several international conference best paper awards. Before joining CUHK-Shenzhen, she held the position of full Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Management Sciences at City University of Hong Kong. Currently, she also serves as an associate editor for Omega and as an Independent Director at Ningbo Jansen Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd.


1. "Differential Pricing in Social Networks with Strategic Consumers, "R. Zheng, B. Shou and Y. Chen, Production and Operations Management, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 2638-2655, 2023.

2. "Information acquisition and voluntary disclosure with supply chain and capital market.

interaction," B. Shou, Y. Fang and Z. Li, European Journal of Operational Research. vol. 297, no.3. pp. 878-889, 2022.

3. "Monopoly Pricing with Participation-Dependent Social Leaming About Quality of Service," Q. Ma, B. Shou, J. Huang and T. Basar, Production and Operations Management(UTD Journal), vol. 30 no.11, pp. 4004-4022,2021.

4. "Managing Supply Risk: Robust Procurement Strategy for Capacity Improvement, "Y. Li and B. Shou. Omega, vol. 1022021.

5. "Supply Disruption Management under Consumer Panic Buying and Social Learning Effects," R. Zheng, B. Shou and J. Yang, Omega. vol. 101, 2021.

6."Pricing for Collaboration Between Online Apps and Offline Venues," H. Yu, G. Iosifidis, B. Shou and J Huang, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 19 no. 6 pp. 1420-14332020.

7. "Toward Flexible Wireless Data Services, "Z. Wang, L. Gao, J. Huang and B. Shou, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 57 no. 12 pp. 25-302019.

8. "Oligopolistic quantity competition with bounded rationality and social comparison, "Y. Li, Y. Chen, B. Shou and X. Zhao, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 211 pp. 180- 196, 2019.

9. "Optimal Production, Pricing and Substitution Policies in Continuous Review Production- Inventory Systems, "Y. Yu, B. Shou, Y. Ni and L. Chen, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 260 no. 2 pp. 631-649, 2017.

10."Combining Spot and Futures Markets: A Hybrid Market Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Access, " L. Gao, B. Shou, J. Huang and Y. Chen, Operations Research (UTD Journal), vol. 64, no. 4 pp. 794-821, 2016.

11."Capacity Allocation and Pricing Strategies for New Wireless Services, "L. Duan, B. Shou and J. Huang, Production and Operations Management (UTD Journal), vol. 25, no. 5, pp.866- 882, 2016.

12. "Managing Supply Uncertainty under Supply Chain Cournot Competition, "Y. Fang and B. Shou, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 243 no. 1 pp. 156-176 2015 13. "Pricing for Local and Global Wi-Fi Markets. "L. Duan. J. Huang and B. Shou, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 14 no. 5 pp. 1056-1070 2015.

14. "Information Acquisition and Voluntary Disclosure in an Export-Processing System. "L. Gao. Z. Li and B. Shou, Production and Operations Management (UTD Journal), vol. 23, no. 5. pp. 802-816, 2014.

15. "Train Rescheduling with Stochastic Recovery Time: A New Track-Backup Approach. "X. Li. B. Shou and D. Ralescu, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 44, no.9, pp. 1216-1233, 2014.

16. "Economics of Femtocell Service Provision. "L. Duan. B. Shou and J. Huang. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12 no. 11 pp. 2261-2273 Nov 2013.

17. "Pricing and Effort Investment for a Newsvendor-type Product, "Y. Wang. J. Wang and B. Shou, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 229 no. 2 pp. 422-4322013.

18. "An Integrated Contract and Auction Design for Secondary Spectrum Trading, "L. Gao, J. Huang, Y. Chen and B. Shou. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. vol. 31. no. 3, pp. 581-592, 2013.

19. "Postponed Product Differentiation with Demand Information Update, "J. Zhang, B. Shou and J. Chen, International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 141, no. 2. pp. 529-540. 2013.

20. "Duopoly Competition in Dynamic Spectrum Leasing and Pricing, "L. Duan. J. Huang and B. Shou, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 11 no. 11 pp. 1706-17192012.

21. "An Expected Regret Minimization Portfolio Selection Model, "X. Li, B. Shou and Z. Qin, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 218 no. 2 pp. 484-492 2012.

22. "Investment and Pricing with Spectrum Uncertainty: A Cognitive Operator's Perspective, "L. Duan, J. Huang and B. Shou, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10 no. 112011.

23. "Design and Control of Agile Automated CONWIP Production Lines," W. J. Hopp. S. M.R. Iravani, B. Shou and R. Lien, Naval Research Logistics, vol. 56 no. 1 pp. 42-562009.

24. "A Diagnostic Tree for Improving Production Line Performance, "W. J. Hopp, S. M.R. Iravani and B. Shou, Production and Operations Management (UTD Journal), vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 77- 92. 2007.

25. "Serial Agile Production Systems with Automation, "W. J. Hopp. S. M.R. Iravani and B. Shou, Operations Research (UTD Journal), vol. 53 no. 5 pp. 852-866 2005.