
Peng-Chia Chiu's main research interests are in financial reporting, capital markets, corporate governance, earnings management, and international accounting. He has published in The Accounting Review, Management Science, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Accounting, Organizations and Society among others. He twice received research grants from Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong. He is also an ad hoc reviewer for a number of journals including The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, European Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, and Accounting Horizon. 


1. Mandatory IFRS Adoption and Design Innovation,with Po-Hsuan Hsu, Feng Tian, and Long Yi,,2025

2. "The Information-Leveling Role of Management Forecast Consistency in Facilitating Investment Efficiency",with Chen-Lung Chin, Tim Haight, and Po-Hsiang Yu,,2024

3. "The Persistence and Pricing of Changes in Multinational Firms' Foreign Cash Holdings",with Novia (Xi) Chen and Terry Shevlin,,2023

4. Using Google searches of firm products to detect revenue management,with Siew Hong Teoh, Yinglei Zhang, and Xuan Huang,,2023

5. "Taxes in non-GAAP reporting: Evidence of strategic behavior in selecting tax rates applied to exclusions",with Novia (Xi) Chen, Terry Shevlin, and Jiani Wang,,2023

6. "How do Suppliers Benefit from Customers’ Voluntary Disclosure? The Effect of Customers’ Earnings Guidance on Upstream Firms’ Investment Efficiency",with Lili Jiu and Po-Hsiang Yu,,2022

7. “Cater to Thy Client: Analyst Responsiveness to Institutional Investor Attention” ,with Ben Lourie, Alexander Nekrasov and Siew Hong Teoh,,2021

8. "Investor Learning, Earnings Signals, and Stock Returns" ,with Tim Haight,,2020

9. “The Pricing of Firms with Expected Losses/Profits: The Role of January” ,with Alex Nekrasov and Terry Shevlin,,2018

10. “Do Analysts Matter for Corporate Tax Planning? Evidence from a Natural Experiment” ,with Novia (Xi) Chen and Terry Shevlin,,2018

11. “Board Interlocks and Earnings Management Contagion” ,with Siew Hong Teoh and Feng Tian,,2013