Journal Articles
- CAO, D. (2023). Illness and Sebald’s literary historiography. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. Advance online publication. (A & HCI)
- CAO, D. (2021). Three ways of understanding the word-world relation in The Book of Illusions and the cure of trauma. Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 62(5), 513-525. (A & HCI)
- CAO, D. (2021). Vulgarity as springboard for high art—A comparative study of Vladimir Nabokov and Qian Zhongshu’s notions of vulgarity. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, 23(3). (A & HCI)
- CAO, D. (2020). Academic barbarism reconsidered: A comparative case study of Nabokov’s Pnin and Qian’s Fortress Besieged. Comparative Literature: East and West, 4(1), 15-27.
Conference Presentations
2016 Annual Meeting of American Comparative Literature Association (Harvard)
Paper Presented: “Academic Barbarism in Nabokov’s Pnin”
2018 CUHK-LMU Conference on Narrative and Cross-Cultural Humanities (CUHK)
Paper Presented: “From Proustian Double Vision to Cosmic Synchronization—Nabokov’s Postmodern Turn”