
Xitong Hui received her Ph.D. degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Before that, she earned her master’s degree in Econometrics and Mathematical Economics from LSE and her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Economics from the Central University of Finance and Economics. Her main research interest is macro-finance and international finance. She is interested in how asset prices affect wealth inequality and welfare inequality. She also works on international finance topics such as the determination of sovereign bond safety and the Internationalization of currency (RMB).


Working Papers

1. Asset Prices, Welfare Inequality, and Leverage

2. A Theory of Sovereign Bond Safety: Country Size and Equity Rebalancing Channel (with Chang He)

3. A Theory of Equity Rebalancing: Before and After Financial Crisis

4. International Diversification Puzzle: Trade and Investment Channel (with Edoardo Leonardi)