
Dr. Morgan Mok-Won Park is a passionate linguist with a deep appreciation for languages and cultures. She earned her Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain, with her dissertation titled “Translation of metaphors in environmental discourse: descriptive-contrastive analysis of English, Spanish, and Korean.” 

Before joining CUHK SZ, Dr. Park was a Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellow, funded by the Next Generation European Union, at the University of Seville in Spain. She also had the opportunity to be a visiting scholar at the Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korea University in 2022. Prior to her time as a visiting scholar, Dr. Park held the position of lecturer at the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Salamanca, Spain, where she dedicated herself to her teaching and research from 2018 to 2022. 

Dr. Park's research interests lie at the intersection of language, culture and identity, with a particular focus on Korean language and culture. The main theme of her research is otherness, specifically addressing the status and representation of women and the poor in the 20th and 21st centuries.


Journal Articles

2024. "Divorcio": la autobiografía de Na Hye-Seok ["Divorce": the autobiography of Na Hye-Seok]. Estudios de Asia y África, 59(1), 109-120.

2023. Existence is a Location: "The others" in the form of conceptual metaphor. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 11(2), 498-518.

2023. Othering new women: A multimodal approach to The Hymn of Death. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 11(1), 289-315.

2022. Analysis of themes in L2 book reports: Intermediate level learners of Korean. Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Autumn Conference of the Association of Humanities Content in Korea, 122-129.

2022. Unrecognized errors through self-correction: grapho-phonological errors of Spanish KFL students. Bilingual Research, 86, 91-113.

2021. Ser una wianbu en la Corea del Sur de la posguerra [Being a wianbu in post-war South Korea]. Estudios de Asia y África, 56(2), 235-263.

Book Chapters

2023. Encrucijada de mujeres: África Pedraza y Na Hye-Seok [Crossroads of women: África Pedraza and Na Hye-Seok]. In C. Duraccio (Eds.). Andaluzas ocultas: Medio siglo de mujeres intelectuales (1900-1950) (pp. 383-397), Madrid: Dykinson.

2022. Mujeres objetos de violencia y otredad en las obras de Lee Sun-Hee [Women object of violence and otherness in the works of Lee Sun-Hee]. In N. Muñoz Maya (Ed.). Violencias textuales: La representación de las violencias contra las mujeres (pp. 607-618), Madrid: Dykinson.

2021. Otredad inclusiva de la mujer en las obras de Baek Shin-Ae [Inclusive otherness of women in the literature of Baek Shin-Ae]. In R. Hernández & S. Oliveira Días (Eds.). A las malas: Desobediencia y rebeldía como transgresión femenina en la literatura (pp. 177-186), Granada: Comares.

2020. La otredad de las mujeres nuevas a principios del siglo XX: literatura y vida de Kim Il-Yeup y Na Hye-Seok [The otherness of new women in the early twentieth century: literature and lives of Kim Il-Yeup and Na Hye-Seok]. In M. Borham-Puyal, J. Diego Sánchez & M. I. García-Pérez (Eds.). Documentando la memoria cultural: Las mujeres en las (auto)narraciones exocanónicas (pp. 155-170), Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

2020. Representación femenina del siglo XX en las viñetas de Hye-seok Na [Representation of women in vignettes of Hye-Seok Na in the twentieth century]. In E. Martínez, J. M. Pérez-Caballero & S. Conejo (Eds.). Construcciones culturales y políticas del género (pp. 519-537), Madrid: Dykinson. 

2020. Diferentes imágenes del medio ambiente se adaptan a diferentes tipos de expresiones. Discurso ambiental [Different images of the environment can better adapt to different types of expressions]. In J. C. Hoyos, C. Poix, A. Renwick, & C. Veleanu (Eds.). Desafíos de la neología en las lenguas románicas en el siglo XXI (pp. 51-65), Editum. Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia.