
Pengfei Sui is an Assistant Professor of Finance at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He received his Ph.D. in Social Science (Economics) from Caltech in 2018. His research focuses on asset pricing, behavioral finance, and financial frictions. Pengfei also holds a BA degree in finance and an MA degree in quantitative economics from Renmin University of China.

Updated CV: Click to View PDF


1. " Stakes and Investor Behaviors", (with Baolian Wang). August 2023.

·       Journal of Financial Economics, Forthcoming.

·       Presented at : CICF 2024; Helsinki Finance Summit 2023; China Financial Research Conference  (CFRC) 2023; FRA 2022; CUHK(SZ) 2022; Florida Finance Conference 2022;

2. " Asset Pricing with Return Extrapolation", (with Lawrence J. Jin). 2022.

Journal of Financial Economics, 145(2), 273-295.

Working Papers

" Marketwide Memory", (with Constantin Charles). June 2024.

·       Presented at : NBER Behavioral Finance Working Group Meeting Fall 2024; London Behavioral Finance Group Meeting; London School of Economics; Stockholm School of Economics; Helsinki Finance Seminar; City University of Hong Kong; Shanghai Jiao Tong Univeristy; Chicago Booth Conference in Behavioral Finance and Decision Making; Fudan University; University of Zurich;

"Social Learning and Sentiment Contagion in the Bitcoin Market", (with Bing Han and Haoyang Liu). August 2023.

·       Presented at : AFA 2025; Annual Conference on Social and Behavioral Finance 2024; NFA 2024;  2024 Five-Star Asia Pacific Workshop in Finance at Singapore Management University; Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business; Fudan University; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Nanjing University; Nankai University; National University of Singapore, Peking University Guanghua School of Management; Peking University HSBC Business School; Renmin University of China; 2023 GSU-RFS FinTech Conference; CFRC 2022;

·       CFRC 2022 Behavioral Finance Best Paper Award

·       An earlier version of the paper was titled as "Conversations in the Market: Sentiment Contagion among Investors"

" Social Transmission Bias: Evidence from an Online Investor Platform", (with Baolian Wang). July 2023.

·       R&R, Review of Finance

·       Presented at : CFRC 2024; CICF 2022; CUHK(SZ) 2021;

·       CFRC 2024 Behavioral Finance Best Paper Award

" Prospect Theory in the Field: Revealed Preferences from Mutual Fund Flows", (with Bing Han and Wenhao Yang). November 2023.

·       R&R, Journal of Financial Economics

·       Presented at : CICF 2024; ABFER 2024; 2023 Guanghua International Symposium on Finance; Central University of Economics and Finance; UNC-Charlotte 2022; Renmin University of China 2021; PHBS-SME 2021; CIRF 2021; AsianFA 2021; CUHK(SZ) 2020;

" Time-varying Impact of Investor Sentiment", (Job Market Paper). July 2021.

·       Presented at : IYFS 2021; CUHK(SZ) 2017; University of Western Ontario (2017);

·       2021 IYFS Best Paper Award in Behavioral Finance