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Hua James Qin WEBSITE
Hua James Qin
Urban Vulnerability and Adaptation, Population, Migration and the Environment, Community and Natural Resources, Sustainable Development, Environmental and Resource Sociology, Research Methods and Data Science
Dr. Qin is an environmental and resource social scientist with emphasis on human population dynamics and sustainable development. He has a diverse academic background in urban-rural sociology, demography, geography, natural resources, environmental science, as well as mixed (both quantitative and qualitative) and spatial methodological research. His interdisciplinary training and research experience focus on analyzing social and cultural aspects of natural resources and environmental systems. Dr. Qin completed his post-doctoral study of urban vulnerability and resilience at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. His research projects have been funded by the Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program of the National Science Foundation (U.S.) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture in the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Urban Vulnerability and Adaptation, Population, Migration and the Environment, Community and Natural Resources, Research Methods and Data, Sustainable Development, Environmental and Resource Sociology
Qin, H., J. Vickery, H. Brenkert-Smith, B. Bekee, Y. Prasetyo. 2022. Do actions reduce perceived risk? A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between risk perception and action in response to forest disturbance in Colorado. Risk Analysis (published online first). http://doi.org/10.1111/risa.14023
Qin, H., H. Brenkert-Smith, C. Sanders, J. Vickery, and M. Bass. 2021. Explaining changes in perceived wildfire risk related to the mountain pine beetle outbreak in North Central Colorado. Ecological Indicators 130: 108080. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108080
Qin, H., C. Sanders, Y. Prasetyo, M. Syukron, and E. Prentice. 2021. Exploring the dynamic relationships between risk perception and behavior in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak. Social Science & Medicine 285: 114267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114267
Qin, H., H. Brenkert-Smith, J. Vickery, C. Sanders, and C. G. Flint. 2021. Changing perceptions and actions in response to forest disturbance by mountain pine beetles in north central Colorado. Journal of Forestry 119(5): 493-505. https://doi.org/10.1093/jofore/fvab020
Qin, H., Y. Prasetyo, M. Bass, C. Sanders, E. Prentice, and Q. Nguyen. 2020. Seeing the forest for the trees: A bibliometric analysis of environmental and resource sociology. Society & Natural Resources 33(9): 1131–1148 (featured with an editorial and four commentaries). https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2019.1620900
Qin, H., M. Bass, J. D. Ulrich-Schad, D. Matarrita-Cascante, C. Sanders, and B. Bekee. 2020. Community, natural resources, and sustainability: Overview of an interdisciplinary and international literature. Sustainability 12(3): 1061 (Editorial for the Special Issue on Community, Natural Resources, and Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary and International Dialogue).
Freeman, K. and H. Qin*. 2020. The role of information and interaction processes in the adoption of agriculture inputs in Uganda. Agronomy 10(2): 202 (*Corresponding Author).
Qin, H., C. Lu, P. Jiang, X. Gao. 2019. A comparative review of American environmental and natural resource sociologies: Also on the sociology of environmental and resource sociology. Sociological Review of China 7(3): 84–96 (in Chinese).
Qin, H., E. Bent, C. Brock, Y. Dguidegue, E. Achuff, M. Hatcher, and O. Ojewola. 2018. Fifteen years after the Bellingham ISSRM: An empirical evaluation of Frederick Buttel’s differentiating criteria for environmental and resource sociology. Rural Sociology 83(1): 6–23.
Qin, H., E. Prentice, and K. Freeman. 2018. Analyzing partially correlated longitudinal data in community survey research. Society & Natural Resources 31(1): 142–149.
Qin, H., Y. Fan, A., Tappmeyer, E. Prentice, K. Freeman, and X. Gao. 2017. Capturing community context through qualitative comparative analysis of case studies. Human Ecology 45(1): 103–109.
Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2017. Changing community variations in perceptions and activeness in response to the spruce bark beetle outbreak in Alaska. Sustainability 9(1): 67.
Qin, H. and T. F. Liao. 2016. Labor out-migration and agricultural change in rural China: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Rural Studies 47(Part B): 533–541.
Qin, H. 2016. Newcomers and oldtimers: Do classification methods matter in the study of amenity migration impacts in rural America? Population and Environment 38(1): 101–114.
Qin, H. and M. Grigsby. 2016. A systematic review and “meta-study” of meta-analytical approaches to the human dimensions of environmental change. Human Ecology Review 22(2): 109–136.
Qin, H. and T. F. Liao. 2016. The association between rural-urban migration flows and urban air quality in China. Regional Environmental Change 16(5): 1375–1387.
Qin, H., P. Romero-Lankao, J. Hardoy, and A. Rosas-Huerta. 2015. Household responses to climate-related hazards in four Latin American cities: A conceptual framework and exploratory analysis. Urban Climate 14(Part 1): 94–110.
Qin, H. 2015. Comparing newer and longer-term residents’ perceptions and actions in response to forest insect disturbance on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula: A longitudinal perspective. Journal of Rural Studies 39: 51–62.
Qin, H., C. G. Flint, and A.E. Luloff. 2015. Tracing temporal changes in the human dimensions of forest insect disturbance on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Human Ecology 43(1): 43–59.
Qin, H.§, L. Davis§, M. Mayernik, P. Romero Lankao, J. D’lgnazio, and P. Alston. 2014. Variables as currency: Linking meta-analysis research and data paths in sciences. Data Science Journal 13: 158–171 (§contributed equally as first authors).
Romero-Lankao, P., H. Qin*, and M. Borbo-Cordova. 2013. Exploration of health risks related to air pollution and temperature in three Latin American Cities. Social Science & Medicine 83: 110–118 (*Corresponding Author).
Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2012. Integrating rural livelihoods and community interaction into migration and environment research. Society & Natural Resources 25(10): 1056–1065.
Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2012. The impacts of rural labor out-migration on community interaction and implications for rural community-based environmental conservation in Southwest China. Human Organization 71(2): 135–148.
Qin, H. 2012. Environmental effects on rural-to-urban migration in China. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment 10(3): 9–17.
Romero-Lankao, P., H. Qin*, and K. Dickinson. 2012. Urban vulnerability to temperature-related hazards: A meta-analysis and meta-knowledge approach. Global Environmental Change 22(3): 670–683 (*Corresponding Author).
Qin, H. 2010. Rural-to-urban labor migration, household livelihoods, and the rural environment in Chongqing Municipality, Southwest China. Human Ecology 38(5): 675–690.
Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2010. Toward a transdisciplinary environmental and resource sociology in China. Society & Natural Resources 23(11): 1123–1131 (fully reprinted in Chinese in Resources Science 34(6): 1184–1191 and in Cui, F., and Chen, T. (eds.). 2014. Chinese Environmental Sociology, Volume 2. China Social Sciences Press, Beijing, pp. 18–28).
Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2010. Capturing community context of human response to forest disturbance by insects: A multi-method assessment. Human Ecology 38(4): 567–579.
Qin, H. and C. G. Flint. 2009. A review of western environmental sociology and natural resource sociology. Social Sciences Abroad 32(2): 4–11 (in Chinese; short version reprinted in China Social Sciences Today 08/18/2009 and in International Social Science Journal (Chinese Edition) 26(3): 119–121; fully reprinted in English in Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment 7(4): 25–31 and in Chinese in Cai, L., and Bao, Z. (eds.). 2014. Chinese Environmental Sociology, Volume 1. China Social Sciences Press, Beijing, pp. 11–19).
Qin, H. and D. Ren. 2009. Developing scales for measuring public legal consciousness: An analysis based on survey data. Jurists Review 24(5): 111–119 (in Chinese).