Thesis and Dissertation
Wu, J. X. (2023). Development of interactional competence in L2 Mandarin Chinese: Comparing role play and elicited conversation. [Unpublished doctoral dissertation], The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2018). Proficiency and preference organization in second language Mandarin Chinese refusals. [Unpublished Master’s thesis], The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Journal Article:
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2021) Proficiency and preference organization in second language Mandarin Chinese refusals. The Modern Language Journal, 105(4),897-918. [SSCI; A&HI Index, Impact factor: 7.5]
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2022, March). Proficiency and post-expansion sequence in second language Mandarin Chinese refusals. In L. Ortega, The American Association for Applied Linguistics 2022 Conference (AAAL 2022) [Symposium], The annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2022, September). Proficiency and post-expansion sequence in second language Mandarin Chinese refusals. In G. Marta & S, Julie, 2022 Pragmatics and Language Learning [Symposium], The University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, Honolulu, USA.
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2022, September). Proficiency and topic shift sequence in second language Mandarin Chinese discussion. In D. Malanda, M. Dolors, S. Olcay, 2022 conference of Interactional competence and practices in a second language (ICOP-L2) [Symposium], Barcelona, Spain.
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2022, November). Proficiency and topic extension sequence in second language Mandarin Chinese discussion. In J. Macalister, The 2022 ALANZ-ALAA-ALTAANZ Conference [Symposium], Wellington, New Zealand.
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2021, June). Proficiency and internal modifications in second language Mandarin Chinese refusals. In J. Verschueren, The 17th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA) [Symposium], The conference of International Pragmatic Association, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Wu, J. X., & Roever, C. (2021, March). Proficiency and preference organization in second language Mandarin Chinese refusals. In D. Patsy, The American Association for Applied Linguistics 2021 Conference(AAAL 2021) [Symposium], The annual conference of American Association of Applied Linguistics, USA.