
I aim to answer with my research one of the most important questions humans can ask: What is the good life? My research benefited from paradigms developed in the positive psychology movement, and my primary approach to study the good life has been using self-determination theory (SDT). SDT is a theory that focuses on certain inherent human needs (especially the need to be autonomous and volitional in our experiences and behavior) as essential to living a good life. Because the subject of my research often concerns young people, many of my research also uses SDT to address the positive functioning in developmental and educational settings.


I am looking for a research assistant now. Please contact me if you are interested. In your email, please explain why you want to work with me, how this research assistantship fits in your goals, how much time you are willing to dedicate to research work, etc., and attach a CV (should include your prior research work, GPA, etc.).

Awards and honors
  • 2022
  • 01


    Shenzhen Philosophy and Social Science Project (深圳市哲学社会科学基金), RMB 50000, awarded Aug. 2022 – Aug. 2023 to Shi Yu as PI. Project title: Improving student autonomy by systematically improving autonomy-supportive instructional behavior: An intervention experiment and multilevel path analysis.


A full list of publications may be found on my Google Scholar page:

Selected Publication in English Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers:

Yu, S, He, Z. Z.#, Cui, T.#, & He, J*. (2024). Basic psychological needs as an explanation of body image and eating pathways to adolescent adjustment: a prospective study testing an integrated self-determination theory model. Motivation and Emotion. Advance online publication.

Yu, S*, He, Z. Z#., & Zhang, F. (2023). Longitudinal Multivariate Profiling of Well-Being Among Chinese Freshmen. Applied Research in Quality of Life. Advance online publication.

Yu, S*. (2023). Between-Level Incongruences in Human Positivity. Perspectives on Psychological Science. Advance online publication. 

Yu, S.*, Gong, Z.#, Shen, Y.#, & Wei, J. (2023). A Motivational Perspective on the Educational Arms Race in China: Self-Determination in Out-of-School Educational Training Among Chinese Students and Their Parents. Current Psychology. Advance online publication.

Yu, S.*, Zhang, F., & Little, T. D. (2023). Measuring the rate of psychological growth and examining its antecedents: A growth curve modeling approach. Journal of PersonalityAdvance online publication.

Yu, S.*, Assor, A., Yu, H., & Wang, Q. (2022). Autonomy as a potential moral resource: Parenting practices supporting youth need for autonomy negatively predict youth acceptance of academic dishonesty. Learning and Individual Differences. Advance online publication.

Yu, S.*, Zhang, F., & Nunes, L. D. (2022). On students’ metamotivational knowledge of self-determination. Metacognition & Learning. Advance online publication.

Yu, S.*, Zhang, F., Nunes, L. D., & Levesque-Bristol, C. (2021). Doing Well vs. Doing Better: Preliminary Evidence for the Differentiation of the “Static” and “Incremental” Aspects of the Need for Competence. Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-21.

Yu, S.*, & Levesque-Bristol, C. (2020). A Cross-Classified Path Analysis of the Self-Determination Theory Model on the Situational, Individual and Classroom Levels in College Education. Contemporary Educational Psychology.

Yu, S.*, Zhang, F., Nunes, L., Deng, Y., & Levesque-Bristol, C. (2019). Basic Psychological Needs as a Predictor of Positive Affects: A Look at Peace of Mind and Vitality in Chinese and American College Students. Advance online publication. Journal of Positive Psychology.

Yu, S.*, Zhang, F., Nunes, L., & Levesque-Bristol, C. (2018). Self-determined motivation to choose college majors, its antecedents, and outcomes: A cross-cultural investigation. Advance online publication. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Yu, S.*, & Levesque-Bristol, C. (2018). Are students in some college majors more self-determined in their studies than others? Advance online publication. Motivation and Emotion.

Yu, S.*, Traynor, A., & Levesque-Bristol, C. (2018). Psychometric examination of the short version of Learning Climate Questionnaire using item response theory. Advance online publication. Motivation and Emotion.

Yu, S.*, Deng, Y., Yu, H., & Liu, X. (2018). Attachment style moderates the effects of parental promotion of inner compass. Advance online publication. Current Psychology.

Yu, S.*, Levesque-Bristol, C., & Maeda, Y. (2017). General need for autonomy and subjective well-being: A meta-analysis of studies in the US and East Asia. Advance online publication. Journal of Happiness Studies.

Yu, S.*, Chen, B., Levesque-Bristol, C., & Vansteenkiste, M. (2018). Chinese education examined via the lens of self-determination. Educational Psychology Review, 30(1), 177-214.

Yu, S.*, Assor, A., & Liu, X. (2015). Perception of parents as demonstrating the inherent merit of their values: Relations with selfcongruence and subjective wellbeing. International Journal of Psychology, 50(1), 70-74.

Yu, S.*, Zeng, X., Wang, C., Chen, H., & Liu, X. (2013). Money-primed reactance does not help ensure autonomy. Social Behavior and Personality, 41(8), 1233-1244.

Selected Chinese Book, Chapters, & Journal Papers:

Yu, S. (2013). Happiness. Nanjing: Jiangsu Phoenix Education Publishing House.

Yu, S. (2012). High self-esteem and mental health of teachers. In X. Liu (Ed.), Teachers’ mental health education. Beijing: Kaiming Press.

Yu, S. (2012). The basics of teachers’ interpersonal communication: Empathy, genuineness and self-disclosure. In X. Liu (Ed.), Teachers’ mental health education. Beijing: Kaiming Press.

Yu, S. (2011). Rescuing the desolate heart to the oasis: Book review of Neurotic personality: the code of human mental pain. China Book Review, 2, 124-125.

Ad hoc reviewers:

Educational Psychology Review, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Child Development, Emotion, Applied Psychology: An International Review, British Journal of Educational Psychology; Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Journal of Positive Psychology, Journal of Happiness Studies, Learning & Individual Differences, Journal of Business Ethics, Applied Economics, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, Instructional Science, International Journal of Psychology, Psychological ReportsPsyCH Journal, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Current PsychologyNew Ideas in Psychology, etc.