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Chenglong Zhang is currently an Assistant Professor of Information Systems in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He obtained his Ph.D in Management Science with concentration on Information Systems from University of Texas at Dallas. Prior to the doctoral study, he received his bachelor's degree in Management of Information Systems from Tianjin University. His research projects are on sharing economy and fairness in artificial intelligence., as well as blockchain
Journal Reviewer:
Management Science
MIS Quarterly
Information Systems Research
Decision Support Systems
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Information Technology and Management
Business and Information Systems Engineering
Annals of Operations Research
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Conference Reviewer:
1. Zhang, C., Chen, J., Raghunathan, S. (2022). Two-sided platform competition in a sharing economy. Management Science, 68(12), 8909-8932. (https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.2022.4302) (UTD 24, FT50)
2. Zhang, C., Chen, J., Raghunathan, S. (2023). When Sharing Economy Meets Traditional Business: Coopetition between Ride-Sharing Platforms and Car-Rental Firms. Information Systems Research,(https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/isre.2022.0011). (UTD 24, FT50)
3. Zhang, C., Jacob, V., Ryu, Y. (2024). Modeling Individual Fairness Beliefs and Its Applications. ACM Transactions on MIS. (https://doi.org/10.1145/3682070)
4. Li, J., Zhang, K., Zhang, C.*, Li, L., Yin, X. (2022). Compatible or Incompatible: the Interplay of Vertical Differentiation Competition and Third-party Marketplace Openness. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. (https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2022.3227114),
5. Zhang, C., Feng, N., Chen, J. et al. (2021) Outsourcing Strategies for Information Security: Correlated Losses and Security Externalities. Information Systems Frontiers 23, 773–790. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-020-10009-4).
*: the Corresponding author
Working Papers:
1. Zhang, C., Chen, J., Raghunathan, S. Supplier-Side Mechanism Design for Platforms in a Sharing Economy when Supplier Cost Is Private.
2. Liu, J., Zhang, C. Deep Learning for Double Auction.
3. Zhang, H., Zhang, C., Raghunathan, S. Service Differentiation through Priority Matching by Two-Sided Matching Platforms.
4. Zhang, C., Ryu, Y., Jacob, V. You Are What You Post: An Extraction Framework of Fairness Beliefs using Machine Learning.
5. Zhang C., Feng, N., Li, J. To be Public or Private? An Economical Analysis of Launching Strategies of Bug Bounty Programs
Work in Progress:
1. Deng, Q., Zhang, C., Zhao, L. Preventing Greenwash: The Roles of Blockchain in Regulating Green Bond. (Equal Contribution)
2. Deng, Q., Sun, B., Zhang, C. Unbox the Blackbox of Deep Learning Models: A Use Case of UGC Management in Online Forums. (Equal Contribution)