Chao (Alec) Wang


Chao (Alec) Wang


Education Background:
PhD University of Chicago (Chinese History)
MPhil University of Hong Kong (American Studies)
BA Nankai University (World History)
Office Address


Teaching Area

Modern and Contemporary China, Social History of Medicine, Disability History, Law and Society, Family Life


Modern Chinese History, Social History, Disability Studies, History of Medicine, History of Techonology, Health and Human Rights


Peer-Reviewed Academic Articles:

2024. “Trachoma Infection, Vision Economics and the Invention of Blindness in Republican China,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine (SSCI), accepted with minor revision.

2024. "What is Theoretical Awareness in Historical Studies? On the Translatability of Social Scientific Methods" (in Chinese), Zhuangshi (CSSCI), no. 9, 2024: 43-47.

2023. "Educating the Blind: Disability and Gender in Chinese Social Education during the First Half of the Twentieth Century" (in Chinese), Journal of Chinese Women's Studies (CSSCI), no.2, 2023: 91-103.

2023. "Inventing Blindness: Medical Treatment and Prevention of Trachoma and the Everyday Practice of Vision Measurement in Early-Twentieth Century China" (in Chinese)Kaiwu: Science and Culturevol. 1, no.1: 14-21.

2021. "From Difference to Integration: The Evolution of Medical and Social Models of Disability in Modern China" (in Chinese), Zhuangshi (CSSCI) no. 4: 26-31.

2020.  “Disability and Social Inclusion: The Blind Songstress in Early Twentieth-Century Guangzhou,” Frontiers of History in China (E&HCI), no. 15, vol. 4 (2020): 611–641. 

Book Chapters:

2025. “From Curing to Revolutionizing: The Politics of Disability in Chinese Socialist Medicine and Media”, in Pao-chen Tang, Yuqian Yan, Ling Zhang, ed., Socializing Medicine: Health Humanities and East Asian Media, Hong Kong University Press, 2025, 114-130.

Conference Presentations:

01/2025 “Broken Bodies of the War Machine: The Biopolitics of Rehabilitation for Disabled Veterans in World War II China.” Paper presented at the 138th annual meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA), New York City.

03/2024 “Forensic Knowledge and the Medico-Legal Translation of Sexual Incapacity in Republican-era Divorce Cases,” paper delivered at the panel “Legal Knowledge as Power Across the Pacific:Translation, Transgression, and Contestation in Trans-Imperial Encounters,” at the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Seattle.

03/2022 “Trachoma Infection, Vision Economics and Biological Citizenship in Republican China,” paper presented at panel entitled “Life-Giving Objects: Sensing the Social in Precarious Ecologies of East Asia,” Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2022 Annual Conference, Honolulu.

03/2021 Organizer of panel enitled “Reading From Below: Alternative Literacies, Citizenship, and Community in Modern China,” Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2021 Annual Conference, Seattle.

01/2020 “Reproducing Dependency: Blinded Veterans and Family Life in a Rehabilitation Camp during Wartime China, 1942-1945.” Paper presented at the 133th annual meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA), New York City.

06/2019 “The Social Life of the Blind Songstress in Early Twentieth-century Guangzhou.” Paper presented at “Asia as Action: Scaling Ethnography of the Everyday,” Graduate Student Conference, The University of Chicago Center in Beijing.

03/2019 Organizer of panel entitled “Veterans Disabled: Indian, Chinese, and Japanese Military Casualties of the Two World Wars,” Association for Asian Studies (AAS) 2019 Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.

05/2017 “Inventing Blindness: The Use of Medical Statistics in the Anti-Trachoma Campaign in Republican China (1920-1940),” Annual Conference of the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM), Nashville.

09/2016 Organizer of panel entitled “Scientific Management of Public Health in Republican China (1920s­40s).” The Eighth Meeting of the Asian Society for the History of Medicine (ASHM), Academia Sinica, Taipei.

04/2016 “Watchful Hands: The Tacit Dimension of Surgical Needling in Late Imperial Chinese Ophthalmology,” Annual Conference of the American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM), Minneapolis.