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LAM, Hing-chau WEBSITE
Mr. LAM Hingchau is an Associate Professor (Teaching) at the School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (CUHKSZ). Before joining CUHKSZ, he served as a senior law lecturer at a university in Hong Kong. His research interests include legal systems, constitutional law (including the Hong Kong Basic Law), human rights law, and public international law. Mr. Lam was also admitted and enrolled as a barrister of the Hong Kong High Court in 2018. He passed the PRC National Judicial Examination in 2010 and obtained the PRC Legal Qualification Certificate in 2011. Mr. Lam has gained valuable experience through internships with the Department of Justice of Hong Kong, the International Criminal Court, and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former-Yugoslavia in the Netherlands.
Lam, Hingchau & Qin, Jing, "The Protective Jurisdiction under the Hong Kong National Security Law: Legitimacy and Impact" 21 Chinese Journal of International Law (2022). 115-136. https://doi.org/10.1093/chinesejil/jmac011. (SSCI).
Lam, Hingchau, “The Ouster Clause in the Hong Kong National Security Law: Its Effectiveness in the Common Law and its Implications for the Rule of Law” 76 Crime, Law and Social Change (2021), 543–561. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10611-021-09979-6. (SSCI).
Lam, Hingchau & Qin, Jing, “Rethinking the Constitutional Jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts over Acts of the National People’s Congress in Light of the Auto-limitation Theory” 46 Hong Kong Law Journal (2016), 511-28. (SSCI).
(Co-ed Nigel BRUCE) English edition of Dr. Hu Hung Lick’s The Korean Problem: A Study in Conflict, Diplomacy and International Law. Hong Kong: Roundtable Culture (2015).
Research projects
《"爱国者治港"原则与香港司法选任制度研究》(第一成员),2024年度全国人大常委会香港、澳门基本法委员会基本法研究项目 ,并作为特别委托课题,纳入2024年度教育部人文社会科学研究项目管理(项目批准号:JBF202415)