Associate Professor (Teaching)
TXB 511
Introduction to Western Legal Systems / Commercial and Corporate Law
Barrister (Hong Kong High Court)(2018)/PRC Legal Qualification Certificate (2011)
Legal systems, constitutional law (including the Hong Kong Basic Law), human rights, and public international law
Lam, Hingchau & Qin, Jing, "The Protective Jurisdiction under the Hong Kong National Security Law: Legitimacy and Impact" 21 Chinese Journal of International Law (2022). 115-136. (SSCI).
Lam, Hingchau, “The Ouster Clause in the Hong Kong National Security Law: Its Effectiveness in the Common Law and its Implications for the Rule of Law” 76 Crime, Law and Social Change (2021), 543–561. (SSCI).
Lam, Hingchau & Qin, Jing, “Rethinking the Constitutional Jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Courts over Acts of the National People’s Congress in Light of the Auto-limitation Theory” 46 Hong Kong Law Journal (2016), 511-28. (SSCI).
(Co-ed Nigel BRUCE) English edition of Dr. Hu Hung Lick’s The Korean Problem: A Study in Conflict, Diplomacy and International Law. Hong Kong: Roundtable Culture (2015).
Research projects
《"爱国者治港"原则与香港司法选任制度研究》(第一成员),2024年度全国人大常委会香港、澳门基本法委员会基本法研究项目 ,并作为特别委托课题,纳入2024年度教育部人文社会科学研究项目管理(项目批准号:JBF202415)