
Dr. Bingyu Cui earned his Bachelor's degree from Imperial College London, UK, in 2015 and his Master's degree in 2016 from the University of Cambridge, UK. Before starting his PhD at Cambridge, he spent one year as a research assistant at the Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo, Japan. He passed PhD viva in 2020 and went to Tel Aviv University, Israel, and the University of Pennsylvania, USA, to work as a postdoctoral fellow. He joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Dec 2023.

His research interests include but are not limited to disordered systems, nonequilibrium statistical physics, strong light-matter interaction, exciton dynamics, foundations of quantum mechanics, and quantum measurement theory. He mainly develops analytical models and manipulates numerical methods to understand and predict the mechanical, dielectric and optical properties of complex materials, starting from how particles structure and interact themselves inside the molecular/atomic systems. He is also interested in the philosophy of physics.


[21] D Gamba, B Cui, A Zaccone, Hyperballistic transport in dense ionized matter under external AC electric fields, Physical Review E 110, 054137 (2024).

[20] B. Cui, The classical dynamics for the center of mass of a large quantum system, Physics Letters A 482, 129041 (2023).

[19] B. Cui, M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan, Comparing semiclassical mean-field and 1-exciton approximations in evaluating optical response under strong light-matter coupling conditions, The Journal of Chemical Physics, accepted, 158, 164113 (2023). 

[18] B. Cui, M. Sukharev, A. Nitzan, Short-time particle motion in one and two-dimensional lattice with site disorder, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 164112 (2023).

[17] B. Cui, A. Nitzan, “Collective response in light-matter interactions: The interplay between electronic strong coupling and local dynamics”, The Journal of Chemical Physics 157, 114108, (2022) Editor’s pick, the 2022 JCP Editors’ Choice.

[16] T. Li, B. Cui, J. E. Subtonik, A. Nitzan, Molecular polaritonics: Chemical Dynamics under strong Light-Matter Coupling, Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 73, 1 (2022). 

[15] B. Cui, G. T. Craven, A. Nitzan, Heat transport induced by electron transfer: A general temperature quantum calculation, The Journal of Chemical Physics 155, 194104 (2021).

[14] B. Cui, A. Zaccone, Vibrational density of states of amorphous solids with long-ranged power-law

correlated disorder in elasticity, The European Physical Journal E 43, 72 (2020).

[13] B. Cui, A. Zaccone, Analytical prediction of logarithmic Rayleigh scattering in amorphous solids from tensorial heterogeneous elasticity with power-law disorder, Soft Matter 16, 7797 (2020).

[12] B. Cui, E. Terentjev, Comparison of the Helmholtz, Gibbs and Collective-modes to obtain nonaffine elastic constants, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 140, 103954 (2020).

[11] B. Cui, J. F. Gebbia, M. Romamini, S. Rudic, R. Fernandez-Perea, F. J. Bermejo, J.-L. Tamarit, A. Zaccone, Secondary relaxation in the terahertz range in 2-adamantanone from theory and experiments, Physical Review B 101, 104202 (2020).

[10] B. Cui, A. Zaccone, D. Rodney, Nonaffine lattice dynamics with the Ewald method reveals strongly nonaffine elasticity of α-quartz, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151, 224509 (2019).

[9] M. Baggioli, B. Cui, A. Zaccone, Theory of phonon glass behaviour in host-guest crystalline solids with avoided crossing, Physical Review B 100, 220201 (2019).

[8] B. Cui, G. Ruocco, A. Zaccone, Theory of elastic constants of athermal amorphous solids with internal stresses, Granular Matter 21, 69 (2019).

[7] B. Cui, O. Sugino, Lattice mismatch pattern and the Dirac point of a monolayer borophene, Vacuum and Surface Science 61, 11 (2018).

[6] B. Cui, Z. Evenson, B. Fan, M Li, W.-H. Wang, A. Zaccone, Possible origin of β-relaxation in metallic glasses from atomic-mass differences of the constituents, Physical Review B 98, 144201 (2018).

[5] B. Cui, J. F. Gebbia, J.-L. Tamarit, A. Zaccone, Disentangling α and β relaxation in orientationally disordered crystals with theory and experiments, Physical Review E 97, 053001 (2018). [4] B. Cui, A. Zaccone, Generalized Langevin Equation and non-Markovian fluctuation-dissipation theorem for particle-bath systems in external oscillating fields, Physical Review E 97, 060102 (2018).

[3] B. Cui, J. Yang, J. Qiao, L. Dai, M. Jiang, Y.-J. Wang, A. Zaccone, Atomic theory of viscoelastic response of metallic glasses, Physical Review B 96, 094203 (2017).

[2] B. Cui, R. Milkus, A. Zaccone, Direct link between soft vibrational modes and dielectric α-relaxation in glasses, Physical Review E 95, 022603 (2017).

[1] B. Cui, R. Milkus, A. Zaccone, The relation between stretched-exponential relaxation and the vibrational density of stated in glassy disordered systems, Physics Letters A 381, 446 (2017).