Associate Professor
Culture, Social Networks, Social Hierarchy, Trust, Decision Making, Diversity
8. Kuwabara,K., Cao, J., Cho,S., & Ingram,P. (2024). How to build a broader network within your company. Harvard Business Review.
7. Seth, A., Cao, J., Shi, X., Dotsch, R., Liu, Y., & Bos, M. W. (2023). Cultural Differences in Friendship Network Behaviors: A Snapchat Case Study. Accepted at 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factor in Computing Systems
6. Kuwabara, K., Cao, J, Cho, S.M., & Ingram, P. (In press). Lay theories of instrumental relations: Explaining individual differences in dispositional similarity-attraction. Academy of Management Journal.
5. Cao, J. & Smith, E. B. (2021). Why do high status people have larger network? Belief in status-quality coupling as a driver of network broadening behavior. Organization Science, 32, 111-132.
4. Cao, J*, Kong, D. T* & Galinsky, A. D. (2020). Does breaking bread produce bigger pies? A commentary on Woolley and Fishbach (2019) and an empirical extension of shared eating to negotiations. Psychological Science, 31, 1340-1345.
3. Cao, J. & Galinsky. A. D. (2020). The DUV (Diversity-Uncertainty-Valence) Model of Generalized Trust Development. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 49-64.
· Nominated for the Carolyn B. Dexter Award at the Academy of Management, 2018
2. Whitson, J. A., Wang, C. S., Kim, J., Cao, J., & Scrimpshire, A. (2015). Responses to normative and norm-violating behavior: Culture, job mobility, and social inclusion and exclusion. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 129, 24-35.
1. Cao, J., Galinsky, A.D., & Maddux, W.W. (2014). Does travel broaden the mind? Breadth of foreign experiences increases generalized trust. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(5), 517-525.
· Winner of Student Publication Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology