Jiyin CAO


Jiyin CAO

Associate Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Management, Northwestern University,
M.S. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Peking University
B.S. in Psychology, Zhejiang University
Teaching Area



Culture, Social Networks, Social Hierarchy, Trust, Decision Making, Diversity

Personal Website

8. Kuwabara,K., Cao, J., Cho,S., & Ingram,P. (2024). How to build a broader network within your companyHarvard Business Review.

7. Seth, A., Cao, J., Shi, X., Dotsch, R., Liu, Y., & Bos, M. W. (2023). Cultural Differences in Friendship Network Behaviors: A Snapchat Case Study. Accepted at 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factor in Computing Systems

6. Kuwabara, K., Cao, J, Cho, S.M., & Ingram, P. (In press). Lay theories of instrumental relations: Explaining individual differences in dispositional similarity-attraction. Academy of Management Journal.

5. Cao, J. & Smith, E. B. (2021). Why do high status people have larger network? Belief in status-quality coupling as a driver of network broadening behavior. Organization Science, 32, 111-132.

4. Cao, J*, Kong, D. T* & Galinsky, A. D. (2020). Does breaking bread produce bigger pies? A commentary on Woolley and Fishbach (2019) and an empirical extension of shared eating to negotiations. Psychological Science, 31, 1340-1345.

3. Cao, J. & Galinsky. A. D. (2020). The DUV (Diversity-Uncertainty-Valence) Model of Generalized Trust Development. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 49-64.

· Nominated for the Carolyn B. Dexter Award at the Academy of Management, 2018

2. Whitson, J. A., Wang, C. S., Kim, J., Cao, J., & Scrimpshire, A. (2015). Responses to normative and norm-violating behavior: Culture, job mobility, and social inclusion and exclusion. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 129, 24-35.

1. Cao, J., Galinsky, A.D., & Maddux, W.W. (2014). Does travel broaden the mind? Breadth of foreign experiences increases generalized trust. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5(5), 517-525.

· Winner of Student Publication Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology