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Fengqing Chao WEBSITE
I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). I am a statistician with research interests in demography and global health.
I have been collaborating with UNICEF, specifically the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation, since 2012 on developing statistical models to estimate child and adolescent mortality disparities between sex, economic status, and place of residence. I have also been working with the UN Population Division since 2013 on estimating and projecting sex ratio at birth, age-specific fertility rates, and sex-specific adult mortality rates using Bayesian approaches. Since 2024, I have started to collaborate with the WHO Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research Department. I have published in journals such as Lancet Global Health, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Annals of Applied Statistics.
Fengqing is my given name, and the closest English pronunciation is “Fung-Ching”. Chao is my family name, pronounced as it is spelled.
My CV is available here. Check out my personal webpage for details.
Refer to my personal webpage for the complete list of my research outputs, including:
Published documentation: resulting from my collaboration with UN agencies.
Peer-reviewed journal articles are listed below (*corresponding author):