
Professor CHEN Jie is the Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science. He used to be Chair Professor of Center for Social Sciences at Southern University of Science and technology, William Borah Distinguished Professor of Political Science at University of idaho, and Research  Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He has been on Elsevier's list of "Highly Cited Scholars" in China for two consecutive years. In 2024, he was ranked among the top 3% of scholars in the AD Science Index by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI).And his projects were sponsored by severl major international research funds. 

Awards and honors
  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2014
  • 2002
  • 01


    Top 3% of Scholars in the AD Science Index,Institute for Scientific Information (ISI)

  • 02


    Highly Cited Scholars,Elsevier

  • 03


    Highly Cited Scholars,Elsevier

  • 04


    2014 CALA Best Book Award:Academic Book,Chinese American Librarians Association

  • 05


    Fulbright Scholar, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State

2014 and 2013, Chen, Jie. A Middle Class without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects for Democratization in China.  New York: Oxford University Press. 
2011, Chen, Jie. 中国民众政治支持的测量与分析 (measuring and analyzing mass political support in China).  Guangzhou, China: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
2010, Chen, Jie, and Bruce Dickson.  Allies of the State: China’s Private Entrepreneurs and Democratic Change.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
2004, Chen, Jie. Popular Political Support in Urban China.  Stanford: Stanford University Press.  Translated into Chinese and published in 2009.
1995, Chen, Jie, and Peng Deng.  China Since the Cultural Revolution: From Totalitarianism to Authoritarianism. Westport: Praeger Publishers.
1992, Chen, Jie.  Ideology in U.S. Foreign Policy: Case Studies in U.S. China Policy. Westport: Praeger Publishers.

Selected, Recent Refereed Journal Articles:
2023, “Stratified Political Trust in a Nondemocratic Society: Magnitude, Forms, and Sources of Political Trust in Urban China” (with Narisong Huhe and Yongguo Chen).  Journal of Chinese Political Science.
2022, “Is a ‘Silent Revolution’ in the Making in China?  Postmaterialist Values, and Political Attitudes and Behavior” (with Narisong Huhe and Ting Yan).”  Asian Survey 62 (2): 302–329.
2018, “Creating Democratic Citizens: Political Effects of the Internet in China” (with Narisong Huhe and Min Tang).  Political Research Quarterly Volume 71 issue: 4, page(s): 757-771.
2015, “Social Trust and Grassroots Governance in Rural China" (with Narisong Huhe and Min Tang).  Social Science Research 53: 351–363.
2012, “Informal Accountability, Socially Embedded Officials, and Public Goods Provision in Rural China: The Role of Lineage Groups” (with Huhe Narisong). Journal of Chinese Political Science 18 (1): 1-16.
2011,  “Democratization and the Middle Class in China: The Middle Class’s Attitudes toward Democracy” (with Chunlong Lu).  Political Research Quarterly 64: 64(3): 705–719.
2011,  “The Causal Mechanisms between Social Trust and Grassroots Governance in China” (社会信任与基层社区治理效应的因果机制),  社会Society (with Narisong Huhe, and Chunlong Lu) 31(6) 22-40.
2010,  “Sources of Social Trust and Public Goods Provision in China.”  中国社会科学文摘 Chinese Social Science Digest.
2009,  “Social Trust and Community Governance in Urban China” (共通性社会资本与特定性社会资本——社会资本与中国的城市基层治理) (with Chunlong Lu, Ph.D. graduate from ODU). 社会学研究 Sociological Studies 144 (No. 6): 1-19.
2008,  “Allies of the State: Democratic Support and Regime Support among China's Private Entrepreneurs” (with Bruce Dickson). The China Quarterly 196: 708-804.
2007,  “Social Capital in Urban China: Attitudinal and Behavioral Effects on Grassroots Self-Government.”  Social Science Quarterly 88: 422-442.
2007,  “Popular Support for Grassroots Self-government in Urban China” (with Chunlong Lu, a former graduate student at ODU) Modern China 33: 426-449.
2005,  “Sociopolitical Attitudes of the Masses and Leaders in the Chinese Village.”  Journal of Contemporary China 14: 445 - 464
2002,  “Why Do People Vote in Semicompetitive Elections in China? A Reassessment of Voters’ Subjective Motivations in Local People’s Congress Elections” (with Yang Zhong).  Journal of Politics 64: 178-197.
2002,  “To Vote or Not to Vote: An Analysis of Peasants’ Participation in Chinese Village Elections” (with Yang Zhong).  Comparative Political Studies 35: 686-712.
2001,  “Urban Chinese Perceptions of Threats from the United States and Japan.”  Public Opinion Quarterly 65: 254-266.
2000,  “Valuation of Individual Liberty vs. Social Order among Democratic Supporters: A Cross-Validation” (with Yang Zhong).  Political Research Quarterly Vol. 53: 427-439.
2000, “Subjective Motivations for Mass Political Participation in Urban China.” Social Science Quarterly 81: 645-662.
1999,  “Comparing Mass and Elite Subjective Orientations in Urban China.” Public Opinion Quarterly 63: 193-219.
1998,  “Defining the Political System of Post-Deng China: Emerging Public Support for a Democratic Political System” (with Yang Zhong).  Problems of Post-Communism 45 (January-February): 30-42.
2023-2025,  “社会资本视角下粤港澳大湾区城市基层机制研究,”  Ministry of Education (教育部人文社会科学研究项目). (22YJA840002)
2023-2026,  “公众对环境政策支持的研究—基于粤港澳大湾区的实证调查,”  Guangdong Provincial Science Foundation (广东省自然科学基金).  (Awarded)
2023-2024,  “中国特色社会资本在打造城市文明典范中作用的研究:基层社区共治的视角,” Institute of Global Urban Civilization, Southern University of Science and Technology (南方科技大学城市文明研究院). (IGUC23C006)
2014-2018, “STEM Research and Graduate Education: A National Research and Education Model.” National Science Foundation.
2011-2016,  “Social Capital in Urban Community Building (城市社区建设中的社会资本研究).  Ministry of Education (教育部人文社会科学研究项目). (10YJA810001).
2006-2010,  “Private Entrepreneurs as the Agents of Political Change in China.”  National Science Foundation. (SES-0550518).