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Dr. Christopher Kluz WEBSITE
Dr. Christopher Kluz was educated at the University of Chicago and received his PhD in Philosophy from Emory University. He has taught at Emory University as well as a number of liberal arts colleges in both the United States and Korea. While having some research interests in moral psychology and political theory of Early Modern Philosophy, Dr. Kluz is primarily interested in teaching the classic philosophical texts of Western Civilization. In addition, his philosophical and personal interests cover a wide range of topics in literature, art, and film.
Edited Books
Doing without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems. Edited by Ursula Goldenbaum and Christopher Kluz. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.
Chapters in Edited Books
“Moral Responsibility without Free Will: Spinoza’s Social Approach.” In Doing without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems, edited by Ursula Goldenbaum and Christopher Kluz. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.
Kluz, Christopher and Ursula Goldenbaum. “Introduction.” In Doing without Free Will: Spinoza and Contemporary Moral Problems, edited by Ursula Goldenbaum and Christopher Kluz. New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015.
Peer Reviewed Articles:
Kluz, Christopher. “Spinoza on Free will and Freedom”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ISSN 2161-0002, https://iep.utm.edu/spinoza-free-will-determinsim/
Conferences and Talks
"Spinoza on the Illusion of the Free WIll of Others and the Idea of Human Being", The 14th Nordic Workshop on Early Modern Philosophy, University of Tartu, Estonia (September 29, 2024).
“Non-Duality in Spinoza’s Ethics and Hanshan Deqing’s Commentary to Zhuangzi’s Inner Chapters”, Two is One: Non-dualism in Metaphysics, Aesthetics, and Society: a Cross-Cultural Perspective, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands (August 28, 2024).
“Spinoza on Human Essence and Human Nature”, Invited Talk, University of Seoul, South Korea, (January 2, 2024).
“Spinoza on the Illusion of the Free Will of Others”, Australasian Seminar on Early Modern Philosophy, University of Otago, (November 29, 2023).
"Spinoza on the Illusion of the Free Will of Others," Collegium Spinozanum IV, The University of Groningen, Netherlands, July 2023.
Invited Discussant at Professor Michael Rosen (Harvard University), "The Shadow of God: Kant, Hegel, and the Passage from Heaven to History"at the 48th Political Philosophy Workshop at the Philosophy Department of Sun Yet-sen University (Zuhai), March 10, 2023.
“Spinoza on Free Will, Freedom, and Determinism,” Invited Talk, Hong Kong Baptist University, College of International Education, January 2016.
“Contemplation as Virtuous Activity: Spinoza’s Improvement on Aristotle’s Ethics,” Kyoto Conference on Coleridge and Contemplation,” Kyoto Notre Dame University, Kyoto, Japan, March 2015.
“Free Will, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility: What Spinoza Can Contribute to the Contemporary Free Will Debate,” North American Spinoza Society, American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division Conference, Atlanta, GA, December 2013.