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1. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2020). Legal Translation and Bilingual Law Drafting in Hong Kong: Challenges and Interactions in Chinese Regions. London and New York: Routledge, 154 pp. (ISBN 9781138335912).
2. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2018). 《两岸三地公司法主要词汇 -- 译学丛书58》(Bookman Translation Library 58: Key Terms in Company Law of Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan). Taipei: Bookman Books Co. Ltd, 368 pp. (ISBN 978-957-445-773-1).
3. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2017).《法律翻译系列:两岸三地公司法主要词汇》(Legal Translation Series: Key Terms in Company Law of Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 357 pp. (ISBN 978-962-937-285-9).
4. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2017).《两岸三地侵权法主要词汇 -- 译学丛书 56》(Bookman Translation Library 56: Key Terms in Tort Law of Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan). Taipei: Bookman Books Co. Ltd, 280 pp. (ISBN 978-957-445-716-8).
5. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2016). 《两岸三地合约法主要词汇 -- 译学丛书 51》(Bookman Translation Library 51: Key Terms in Contract Law of Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan). Taipei: Bookman Books Co. Ltd., 255 pp. (ISBN 978-957-445-676-5).
6. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2015).《法律翻译系列:两岸三地侵权法主要词汇》(Legal Translation Series: Key Terms in Tort Law of Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 310 pp. (ISBN 978-962-937-245-3).
7. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2014).《法律翻译系列:两岸三地合约法主要词汇》(Legal Translation Series: Key Terms in Contract Law of Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 282 pp. (ISBN 978-962-937-241-5).
8. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2011). The Europeanization of Modern Written Chinese: The Case Study of the Changing Third Person Pronouns in the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Bern: Peter Lang, 345 pp. (ISBN 978-3-03911-657-7).
Academic Articles:
1. Chan, Clara Ho-yan, and Edmund Cham (2023). Bilingual Legal terminology in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future. In Łucja Biel and Hendrik Kockaert (Eds.). Handbook of Terminology Volumn. 3 Legal Terminology (pp. 191–205). Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/hot.3
2. Chan Clara Ho-yan, and Marcus Galdia (2023). Problems in English-Chinese and Chinese-English Legal Translation: With a Case Study of Mistranslations. Special Issue (Legal Chinese. Issues of Mistranslation in the Business Field) of Comparative Legilinguistics: International Journal for Legal Communication. 55:118–147. DOI: 10.14746/cl.55.2023.8
3. Chan Clara Ho-yan, and Marcus Galdia (2023). Pluricentric Legal Chinese: A Rethink on Harmonization and Uniformization of Legal Terminology. Chinese Language and Discourse: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 14(2): 285–300. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/cld.21013.cha
4. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2022). Benjamin K. Tsou and Andy Chin《香港法律语言常见拉丁语》 (Common Latin Terms in Hong Kong Legal Language). City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, 2021, 392 pp. Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences, 58: 181–185.
5. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2020). Book review on Ester Sin‑man Leung. 《法庭的语言鉴证》 (Forensic Linguistics in the Courtroom). Commercial Press, Hong Kong, 2017, 139 pp. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law, 33: 529–532 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11196-019-09639-y
6. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2019).〈法律翻译及双语法律人才之培养〉(Training of Legal Translators and Bilingual Legal Professionals). In Edmund Cham Shu Kay and Elvis Lee Kim Hung (Ed.)《香港双语法制:语言与翻译》 (Bilingual Legal System in Hong Kong: Language and Translation) (pp. 72-88). Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong Press.
7. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2019). Authentic Materials in Translation Training in Hong Kong. 《东方翻译》(East Journal of Translation). CIUTI Issue: 12-28.
8. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2019). Translation of Proper Names in Hong Kong: Media and Official Usage at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. HIKMA: Translation Studies Journal, 17: 95-113.
9. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2018). Hong Kong Bilingual Legislation and Plain Language Drafting: A Communicative Approach. Multilingua: Journal of Cross-cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 37(6): 681-700.
10. Chan, Clara Ho-yan, King-kui Sin and Benjamin Ka Yin T'sou (2018). The Econo-linguistics Approach to the Study of Investor Sentiment: Theoretical Trends and Research Possibilities in Pan-Chinese Markets. Chinese Language and Discourse: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 9(1):26-45.
11. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2018). Mistranslation of Legal Terminology Reconsidered. Comparative Legilinguistics: International Journal for Legal Communication, 32:7-36.
12. Clara Ho-yan Chan (2017). The Translation of 'Spirit' and 'Soul' in the Mandarin Bible Union Version. Translation & Interpreting: The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research. Sydney: Western Sydney University, 9(2):87–92.
13. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2016).〈知识产权法术语layout-design翻译对比研究——以大陆、台湾和香港译本为例〉(A Contrastive Study of Translations of the Intellectual Property Law Term 'Layout-design': Illustrations from Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong). Chinese Translators Journal. 1:102–105.
14. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2015). English-Chinese Translation of Financial Terminology in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Babel: An International Journal of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 61(3):336–360. DOI: 10.1075/babel.61.3.02cha
15. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2013). Building an Online Library for Interpretation Training: Explorations into an Effective Blended Learning Mode. Computer Assisted Language Learning. Taylor & Francis. 27(5):1–26, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2013.770034
16. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2013). From Self-interpreting to Real Interpreting: a New Web-based Exercise to Launch Effective Interpreting Training, Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. Taylor & Francis. 21(3):358–377, DOI: 10.1080/0907676X.2012.657654
17. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2013). Mai Hing's Poetic Hong Kong. The AALITRA Review - A Journal of Literary Translation.Melbourne: Monash University. 7:67-69.
18. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2012). Bridging the Gap between Language and Law: Translational Issues in Creating Legal Chinese in Hong Kong. Babel: An International Journal of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 58(2):127–144. DOI: 10.1075/babel.58.2.01cha
19. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2011). The Use and Translation of Chinese Legal Terminology in the Property Laws of Mainland China and Hong Kong: Problis, Strategies and Future Development. Terminology: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 17(2):249–273.
20. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2010). Legal Globalization and Law Drafting and Translation: Use of Legal Terms and Technical Words in Intellectual Property Laws of the People's Republic of China. Translation Quarterly. The Hong Kong Translation Society, 58:1–26.
21. Chan, Clara H. Y. (2009). Third Person Pronouns in Indigenous Chinese Texts and Translated Chinese Texts: The Westernization of Modern Written Chinese. New Voices in Translation Studies. International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) & Dublin City University, 5:1–15.
22. Chan, Clara Ho Yan (2007). Translation Principles and Language Styles of Three Chinese Bibles Compared: Illustration by the Changing Use of Chinese Third Person Pronouns. Babel: An International Journal of Translation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 53(4):345–362.
23. Chan, Clara H. Y. (2007). 'Deep Approach' in Translation Project Supervision. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology.Copenhagen, Denmark: Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen, 15(3):153–158.
24. Chan, Clara H. Y (2007). The First Lecture on Legal Translation in China: A Broad and Balanced Approach, Translation Watch Quarterly. Australia: Translation Standards Institute, 3(3):28–33.
25. Chan, Clara Ho-yan (2007). Translated Chinese as a Legal Language in Hong Kong Legislation. Journal of Specialized Translation, 7:25–41.
26. Chan, Clara Ho-Yan (2006). A Literature Review of the Development and Europeanization of Modern Standard Chinese. The Hong Kong Linguist. The Chartered Institute of Linguists Hong Kong Society, 26:43–52.
27. Chan, Clara Ho Yan (2006). The Invention and Development of 她 (Feminine ta) and 它 (Neuter ta) as Third Person Pronouns in Modern Written Chinese: The Europeanized Chinese Grammar Revisited. In Rhizomes: Connecting Languages, Cultures and Literatures. Nathalie Ramiere and Rachel Varshney (Eds), Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 178–194.