
Chenchen Di received her Ph.D. degree in marketing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her primary research interest lies in marketing-finance interface, distribution channel, pricing strategy, and fintech. Her current research investigates why firms offer consumer financing and how firms make strategic decisions both financially and operationally with consumers' default risks and the retailer's bankruptcy risk. Prior to joining the doctoral program, Chenchen received her B.A. and M.S. in financial engineering from Wuhan University and M.S. in business administration from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.



1. Buqing Ma, Chenchen Di and Lu Hsiao. (2020). "Return Window Decision in a Distribution Channel". Production and Operations Management, 29 (9), 2121-2137. (UT Dallas Ranked)

2. Zhiqiang Hu, Yuan Hu and Chenchen Di. (2020). "Dynamic Product Differentiation Competitive Strategy Before and After IPO: Introducing the Stock-Price Information". Chinese Journal of Management Science, 28(5), 52-61.

3. Zhiqiang Hu and Chenchen Di. (2016). "Government Regulation, Enterprise Innovation and IPO Timing Based on the American Option Perspective". Technology Economics, 35(3), 53-60.

Working Papers

1. Chenchen Di and Yunchuan Liu. “Seller-Initiated Consumer Financing and Consumer Sales-Finance Conflicts”, in preparation for submission.

2. Chenchen Di and Yunchuan Liu. “Consumer Financing and Credit Pass-Through in Distribution-Financing Channels”, in preparation for submission.

3. Chenchen Di and Arkadiy Sakhartov, “Financial Hedging and Operational Flexibility in a Multinational Network”, working paper.