Duan Xiaolin


Duan Xiaolin

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D in Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Office Address

TxB 1115


+86 755 23 516558

Teaching Area

International Relations, Foreign Policy Analysis, Chinese Foreign Policy


Chinese foreign policy, nationalism, territorial dispute, foreign policy analysis theories


13. Hongzhou Chen, Duan Xiaolin, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Wei Cai. Political leanings in Web3 betting: Decoding the interplay of political and profitable motives. ACM WebSci'25, May 2025.

12. Duan XiaolinPower transition in process: Explaining the dominant power's failures to prevent the rise of a challengerInternational Journal, March 2025

11. Duan Xiaolin. Challenging popular narratives: The course of power transition and Sino-U.S. relations. Chinese Journal of International Politics, 2024.

10. Duan Xiaolin. Domestic sources of China's wolf-warrior diplomacy: individual incentive, institutional changes and diversionary strategies. The Pacific Review 2023.

9. Duan Xiaolin. Steering A Middle Course: The Domestic Sources of China’s Rare Earth Strategy. Chinese Journal of International Politics 15, issue 1 (2022): 47-68.
8. Duan Xiaolin and Shafi Aldamer. The Saudi Arabia–China relationship at a crossroad: A neoclassical realist analysis. Asia Politics & Policy 14, issue 1 (2022): 114-12
7. Duan Xiaolin and Song Xining. China-EU Comprehensive Agreement on Investment and its impacts on China’s structural reform. Asia-Europe Journal 20, 2022, pp.15-20.

  • 6. Hao Yufan and Duan Xiaolin. Rescaling “Two Systems” intoOne Country”: The Illusion of Macao’s Integration with China and the Limits of China’s Functionalist Approach. China: An International Journal 19, no.1 (February 2021): 1-22.
  • 5. Duan Xiaolin. Think Territory Politically: The Making and Escalation of Beijing’s Commitment to Sovereignize Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, The Pacific Review 32, no.3 (2019): 419-45.
  • 4. Duan Xiaolin. Unanswered Questions: Why we may be wrong about Chinese Nationalism? Journal of Contemporary China 26, no.108 (2017): 866-900.
  • 3. Duan Xiaolin. Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations and Chinese Military Spending, 1980-2013. China: An International Journal 15, no. 3 (August 2017):  77-99.
  • 2. Duan Xiaolin. Rediscovering Weberian Bureaucracy: A Systemic Review of the Classical Bureaucracy in Public Administration Theories (重新发现官僚制:西方公共行政理论对官僚制的再思考), Journal of Public Administration (公共行政评论) 5 (2015):129-53 (in Chinese).
  • 1. Duan Xiaolin. Do Not Let Tactical Needs Drive Strategy: How to Renew the U.S.'s Drone Warfare on Counterterrorism, The Solutions 2, Issue 5 (March-April 2015): 56-65.