Associate Professor
Anthropology, International Studies, Globalization, Asian Studies
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Global Studies; Education; Social Change; Cultural and Political Theory; Religion; Migration & Multiculturalism; Time & Temporality; Cyberia; South Asia; Asian-Americans.
Edited Book:
· Gautam Ghosh (lead editor) and Jacqui Leckie (ed), Asians and the New Multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand, University of Otago Press, 2015. 316 pages. E-book: March 2017.
Chapter in Book:
Ghosh, G. (2021). "Nation, Religion, and Duration in India,", in Ghosh (ed) The 1947 Partition in the East and North-East: Trends and Trajectories. 13,445 words, plus 7 author-generated images/graphs. Hardback: ISBN: 978-1-138-06237-5 ); Softcover: ISBN: 978-1-032-11456-9 ; E-Book: ISBN: 978-1-003-22000-8.
· Ghosh, G. (2017). "Introduction: Multi-Multiculturalisms in the New New Zealand." In Ghosh & Leckie (Eds.), Asians and the New Multiculturalism in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 7-36). Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press, December 2017.
· Ghosh, G. (2009). “The (Un) Braiding of Time in the 1947 Partition of British India,” Anthony Grafton and Marc Rodriquez (eds), Migration in History: Human Migration in Comparative Perspective. In series published by University of Rochester Press on behalf of the Davis Center of Princeton University, pp. 53-85.
Journal - Research Article:
Ghosh, G. (2019). "Nobility or Utility? Zamindars, Businessmen, and bhadralok as Curators of the Indian nation in Satyajit Ray's Jalsaghar (The Music Room)." Modern Asian Studies. Cambridge U Press (open access). doi: 10.1017/S0026749X16000482, 2017.
Ghosh, G. (2018). "Multi-Dimensional Change and the Question of Comparison," forthcoming in COMPASO: Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology. 8000 words.
· Ghosh, G. (2015). An 'Infiltration' of Time? Hindu Chauvinism and Bangladeshi Migration in/to Kolkata, India. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology, 6(1), 263-288.
· Ghosh, G. (2006). A Response to Six Questions. Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences (Kolkata), 3, 5-7.
Conference Contribution - Published proceedings: Abstract:
Ghosh, G. (2016). "Awesome Ethics and Impossible Professors: Nation, Cultivation, and Inclusion in India" Proceedings of the Australian Anthropological Society (AAS) Conference: Moral Horizons. Retrieved from
· Ghosh, G. (2014). "Converting Forced Migration Into Voluntary Association Through Ritual" 17th Annual Nordic Migration Conference: Flows, Places and Boundaries: Migratory Challenges and New Agendas. (pp. 105). Retrieved from
Ghosh, G. (2011). "Patronizing progress in Great(er) Bengal." Proceedings of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Australian Anthropological Society and Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/NZ (IUAES/AAS/ASAANZ) Conference: Knowledge and Value in a Globalising World: Disentangling Dichotomies, Querying Unities. Retrieved from
· Ghosh, G. (2011). "Pre/Occupying the People" Postcolonial Studies Research Network Conference: Citizenship in an Era of Global Crisis. Retrieved from
· Ghosh, G. (2009). "Communities, communitas and political theology in Cyberia" Proceedings of the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ASAANZ) Conference. Retrieved from
Conference Contribution - Verbal presentation and other Conference outputs:
· Ghosh, G. (2014, June). "Divisions of Grandeur: Glory and Irony after the Partitions of Bengal" Verbal presentation at the Long History of Partition in Eastern India Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand.
· Ghosh, G. (2013, November). "Multiculturalism in/and/as "the Asian century" Verbal presentation at the 20th New Zealand Asian Studies Society (NZASIA) International Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
· Ghosh, G. (2011, November). "People's power as Collective Agency" Verbal presentation at the Perspectives on Power Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
· Ghosh, G. (2009, June). "Hindu civilization and its contents" Verbal presentation at the ′The New Exotic?′ Postcolonialism and Globalisation Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.
· Ghosh, G. (2009, December). "Communities, Communitas and Political Theology in Cyberia" Invited presentation at the Association of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa/New Zealand (ASAANZ) Conference, Picton, New Zealand.
· Ghosh, G. (2007, May-June). "Godspeed! Citizenship and Chauvinism in Transnational Hindutva" Verbal presentation at the Proceedings of the Secularism and Beyond International Conference: Comparative Perspectives, Copenhagen, Denmark.
· Ghosh, G. (2007, May). "Godspeed! Equality Re-calculated in the Global Hindu Avante-garde" Verbal presentation at the Canadian Anthropology Society and the American Ethnological Society (CASCA-AES) Conference: Indigeneities and Cosmopolitanisms, Toronto, Canada.
Other Research Output:
· Ghosh, G. (2015, February). "Divisions of Grandeur: Nation, Partition, and representation in Bengal." South Asia Seminar Series, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. [invited Seminar].
· Ghosh, G. (2014, December). "Divisions of Grandeur: Nation, partition and representation in Bengal. South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. [Invited Seminar].
· Huat, C. B., Schonthal, B., Voci, P., Hill, D., Ghosh, G., Devadas, V., & Nicholls, B. (2013). "The Asian Century: Encounters and exchanges" University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Roundtable Discussion].
· Ghosh, G. (2010, December). "Time's sovereign. Invited lecture at the Department of Anthropology Lecture Series, Reed College, Portland, Oregon." [Invited Lecture]
· Ghosh, G. (2010). "The Sacrifice of Sovereignty, and Vice Versa" Invited seminar at the School of Social and Cultural Studies Seminar Series, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. [Invited Seminar].
· Ghosh, G. (2008, February). "Alien Rights: Migration, Religion, and Sovereignty in Global Citizenship." Invited lecture at the Anthropology Department, Haverford College, Pennsylvania. [Invited Lecture].
· Ghosh, G. (2008, February). "India: Large and Small, Then and Now." Invited lecture at the Department of Sociology, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. [Invited Lecture].
· Ghosh, G. (2008, February). "Hindu Citizenship and Chauvinism." Invited lecture at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. [Invited Lecture].
· Ghosh, G. (2007, December). "Citizenship, Civilization, and the Migration of Hindu Nationalism" Invited lecture at James Madison College, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. [Invited Lecture].
· Ghosh, G. (2006). "The Privileges of Citizenship in Transnational Time." Invited lecture at the Sacred Cows & False Prophets: Traversing History and Religion in South Asia Lecture Series, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. [Invited Lecture].