Associate Professor (Teaching); Associate Dean for Common Core Education; Head, Language Education Division
Room1208, Teaching Complex B
Grammatical Analysis; Corpus Linguistics; Applied Linguistics
Language on social media; corpus linguistics; second language acquisition
Journal Papers
Koh, K., Burke, L. E. C.-A., Luke, A., Gong, W., & Tan, C. (2017). Developing the assessment literacy of teachers in Chinese language classrooms: A focus on assessment task design. Language Teaching Research, 1-25. doi:10.1177/1362168816684366.
Gong, W. et. al. (2011). Socio-psychological factors and strategy use in Singaporean schoolchildren’s English literacy. Journal of Reflection in English Language Teaching, 10(1), 1–24.
Gong, W. (with Koh, K.), (2008). Assessment and the teaching of Mandarin Chinese in Singapore schools. New Horizons in Education Journal, 56(2), 43-51.
Book Chapters
Gong, W., & Hong, H. (2019). Using Corpus-Based Analysis of Neologisms on China’s New Media for Teaching Chinese as a Second or Foreign Language. In X. Lu & B. Chen (Eds.), Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning (pp. 173-194). Singapore: Springer.
Gong, W. (2011). Government monitoring of online media and its influence on netizens’ language use in China. In S. Kelsey & K. St. Amant (Eds.), Computer-Mediated Communication across Cultures. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Gong, W. (2010). Self and identity in personal blogs: A cross-linguistic and cross-cultural perspective. In J. Park (Ed.) Interpersonal relations and social patterns in communication technologies: Discourse norms, language structures and cultural variable (pp.162-184). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Gong, W. (2009). Internet-based communication and the ecology of dictionaries. In V. B. Y. Ooi, A. Pakir, I. S. Talib, P. Tan & I. J. Kernerman (Eds.), Perspectives in Lexicography: Asia and Beyond. Tel Aviv: K Dictionaries.
Gong, W., & Ooi, V. B. Y. (2008). Innovations and motivations in online chat. In S. Kelsey & K. St. Amant (Eds.), Research handbook on computer mediated communication (Vol. 1, pp. 917-933). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Short Articles
Gong, W. (2016). English and China's Latest Gaokao Reform. The English Teachers' Magazine, 65(7), 40.
Gong, W. (2016). English Education in China's Primary Schools. The English Teachers' Magazine, 65(9), 40.
Conference Proceedings
Gong, W. et al. (2011). A Social-psychological perspective on Singaporean schoolchildren’s strategy use in English literacy learning. In Proceedings of the NUS-CELC International Conference on English Language Teaching: Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections and Practices in ELT. (National University of Singapore, May 26 – 28, 2010).
Gong, W. (with Koh K. & Lye M. S.), (2007). Alternative assessment and the teaching of Mother Tongue languages in Singapore schools. In Proceedings of CRPP Conference 2007 (Redesigning Pedagogy: Culture, Knowledge and Understanding, Singapore, May 2007).
Gong, W. (2005a). Computer-mediated language: A neglected source in dictionary-making? In V. B. Y. Ooi et al (Eds), Words in Asian Cultural Contexts: Proceedings of the 4th Asialex Conference.
Gong, W. (2005b). English in computer-mediated environments: A neglected dimension in large English corpus compilation. Corpus Linguistics 2005, 1, from
Gong, W., Hong, H., & Koh, K. (2005). Incorporating corpus linguistics into content teaching: the feasibility of using small corpus in Singapore primary math teaching. In Proceedings of CRPP Conference 2005 (Redesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice Conference, Singapore, May 30 - June 1, 2005).
Gong, W. (with Guo, L., Tan, W. & Koh, K.) (2005). Rethinking and reassessing the construct of authentic intellectual quality in the Singapore context. In Proceedings of CRPP Conference 2005 (Redesigning Pedagogy: Research, Policy, Practice Conference, Singapore, May 30 - June 1, 2005.
Gong, W. (1994). Communicative language teaching in China - still a long way to go. In The First International Symposium on Foreign Language Teaching Proceedings (pp. 216-221). Wuhan: HUST Press.
Conference Presentations
Gong, W. & Williams, J. B. (2012). A Systems Perspective in Technology Planning and ICT Integration in Educational Contexts. Paper presented at the International Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology, Singapore, 27-30 March, 2014.
Gong, W. et al. (2010). Enhancing CSL learners’ literacy development through self-regulated writing strategy instruction. Paper presented at the First Teachers College, Columbia University Roundtable in Second Language Studies (TCCRISLS): Second Language Acquisition of Chinese, 1-2 October, 2010.
Gong, W. (with colleagues) (2010). Identifying self-regulated components to enhance English learning among Singaporean students. Paper presented at the CELC International Conference on English Language Teaching: Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections and Practices in ELT, National University of Singapore, 26 -28 May 2010.
Gong, W. & Hong, H. (2008). The globalization and glocalization of the English Language: Insights from the use of English words in Chinese blogs. Paper presented at the 18th International Congress of Linguists, Seoul, Korea, July 21-16, 2008.
Gong, W. & Koh K. (2008). Alternative assessment and the teaching of Mandarin Chinese to elementary school students in multilingual Singapore. Paper presented at the 2008 AERA Annual Meeting, New York, USA, March 24-28, 2008.
Gong, W. (2008). Using parallel corpus for investigating the English translation of Chinese sentence-final particles. The UCCTS (Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies) Conference, Hangzhou, China, September 25-27, 2008.
Gong, W. (with Koh, K., Lee, A., & Wong, H. M.) (2006). Development of the Singapore prototype classroom assessment tasks: Innovative tools for improving student learning and performance. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of International Association for Educational Assessment, Singapore, May 21 to 26, 2006.