
Zheng Gong received his Ph.D. in Management (Economic Analysis and Policy area) from Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, in 2022. Before that, he earned his Bachelor's degree in Astronomy and Economics from Peking University and a Master's degree in Economics from CEMFI. Zheng's areas of expertise include Quantitative Marketing, Social Media, Economics of Digitization, Industrial Organization, and Applied Microeconomic Theory. Zheng's research has appeared in top academic journals like Management Science, and has received prestigious academic awards, including the Sheth Foundation ISMS Doctoral Dissertation Award and the Young Economist Essay Award from EARIE.



1. Gong, Zheng, Jin Huang, and Yuxin Chen. "What the Past Tells About the Future: Historical Prices in the Durable Goods Market." Management Science (2022).

Working Papers

1. Gong, Zheng and Jin Huang. “Limited Time Offer and Consumer Search.” Revise & Resubmit, Management Science

2. Gong, Zheng. “Growing Influence.” Working paper.

3. Gong, Zheng and Qianjun Lyu. “Optimal Experiment Design with Secret Repetition.” Working paper