Hongqi LIU


Hongqi LIU

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D., Finance, Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY, New York
M.B.A., NYZicklin School of Business, Baruch College, CUNY, New York, NY
B.S., Finance, Southwestern University of Economics and Finance, Chengdu, China
Teaching Area



Asset Pricing, Investor Attention, Corporate Finance, Behavioral Finance


1. "Retail Attention, Institutional Attention",Hongqi Liu, Lin Peng, and Yi Tang,,Forthcoming

2. "Taming the Bias Zoo",with Cameron Peng, Wei A. Xiong, and Wei Xiong,,Forthcoming

3. "Investor Attention and Merger Announcements",with Karolina Krystiniak,,2020, 22, 97-112

4. "Short Sellers’ Accusations Against Chinese Reverse Mergers: Information Analytics or Guilt by Association? ",with Nan Xu and Jianming Ye,,2015, 8, 111-131