Rihuan HUANG


Rihuan HUANG

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Operations, Technology & Information Management, Cornell University
M.Mgmt. in Management Science & Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
B.Mgmt. in Logistics Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Teaching Area

Operations Management


Behavioral Operations Management, Supply Chain Contracting, and Social Responsibility

Personal Website


1.“Retailer Inventory Sharing in Two-tier Supply Chains: An Experimental Investigation.” with Andrew M. Davis and Douglas J. Thomas. 2022. Management Science, 68(12): 8773-8790.  

  • ·  Runner Up, College of Behavioral OM Junior Scholar Paper Competition, POMS 2020.

2.“Joint optimisation of order batching and picker routing in the online retailer’s warehouse in China.” with Jianbin Li and James Bin Dai. International Journal of Production Research 2017, 55(2): 447-461.

  • ·  First Prize, The 15th China Society of Logistics Annual Conference, 2016.

3.“Inventory allocation policy to distribution centers with minimum split orders in online retailing.” with Jianbin Li and Lele Li. Journal of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management 2017, 31(3):167-173. (in Chinese)

Working Paper

1.“Trade Credit and Bankruptcy Risk in Supply Chains: An Experimental Study.” with Andrew M. Davis and Kyle B. Hyndman. Under Another Major revision at Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

  • ·  Best Junior Faculty Paper, The 15th Workshop on Behavioral OM China, 2023.


1. “An Experimental Investigation of Trade Credit Contract in Supply Chains”, The Young Scientists Fund of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No.72402198, Jan 2025 - Dec 2027. PI.