Jacque Gao


Jacque Gao

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
- Ph.D. Political Science, University of Rochester
- M.A. Economics, Stony Brook University
- B.B.A. Global Business and Information System, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Office Address

TxB 1102

Teaching Area

Game Theory, International Relations, Comparative Politics


Applied Game Theory, IPE/CPE, Conflict, Authoritarian Politics

Research List

Peer-reviewed Publications

Gao, Jacque, and Frederick Chen. "Less Is More: Property Rights and Dictators' Demand for Foreign Direct Investment." The Review of International Organizations (2025): 1-26.

- Gao, Jacque. "Investment with Insecure Property Rights: Capital Outflow Openness under Dictatorship." The Review of International Organizations 17.3 (2022): 569-595.

- Gao, Jacque. "On Plurality Voting and Runoff Elections: Information Revelation under Divided Majority." Homo Oeconomicus (2022): 1-9.

- Gao, Jacque. "Democratization in the Shadow of Globalization." International Organization 75.3 (2021): 698-734.

- Gao, Jacque. "Solving the Guardianship Dilemma by War." Journal of Theoretical Politics 33.4 (2021): 455-474.

- Duggan, John, and Jacque Gao. "Lobbying as a Multidimensional Tug of War." Social Choice and Welfare 54 (2020): 141-166.

Working Papers

Gao, Jacque, and Evan Resnick. "Inducing Signals of Loyalty at the Risk of Entanglement."

Gao, Jacque, and Marton Szabo. "Signaling Strength through Power Sharing.''

Gao, Jacque, and Yu Mei. "Delegate or Do It Alone? The United States and the UN Peacekeeping Operations."

Other Publications

- "China-US Economic Rivalry: Implications for Southeast Asia." RSIS Commentary, 27 April 2023.