

Assistant Dean (Education) , Presidential Fellow, Associate Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Strategic Management, Arizona State University
Teaching Area



Social network and social capital, Corporate governance and strategic leadership, Entrepreneurship and venture financing, Global supply chains and cross-border M&A


Representative Referred Publications

1. Li, JT.*, Jiang, H.*, Shen, J., Ding, H., & Yu, R. Using the difference-in-differences design with panel data in international business research: Progress, potential issues, and practical suggestions. Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming (UTD 24, FT50)

2. Xu, L., Ou, A., Park, D. & Jiang, H. Breaking Barriers or Maintaining Status Quo? Female Representation in Decision-Making Group of Venture Capital Firms and the Funding of Woman-Led Businesses. Journal of Business Venturing, forthcoming (FT50)

3. Jiang, H*., Zhang, Y.*, & Jiao, J. 2023. A Recombinant Framework of Technological Information Disclosure and Reward-Based Crowdfunding Performance of Technology Projects. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, forthcoming (FT50)

4. Ding, H.*, Hu, Y.*, Jiang, H.*, Wu, J.*, & Zhang, Y.* 2023. Social Embeddedness and Supply Chains: Doing Business with Friends vs. Making Friends in Business. Production and Operations Management, forthcoming (UTD 24, FT50)

5. Jiang, H.*, Xia, J.*, Luo, Y*, Hitt, M.*, & Shen, J.* 2023. Resource Dependence Theory in International Business: Progress and Prospects. Global Strategy Journal, 13(1): 3-57.

6. Jiang, H., Jia, N., Bruton, G., & Bai, T. 2021. Cleaning House before Hosting New Guests: A Political Path Dependence Model of Political Connection Adaptation in the Aftermath of Anticorruption Shocks. Strategic Management Journal, 42(10): 1793-1821. (UTD 24, FT50)

7. Jiang, H., Xia, J., Devers, C., & Shen, W. 2021. Boarding the Sinking Ship: A Firm-Director Interdependence Framework of Mutual Selection between Declining Firms and Director Candidates. Academy of Management Journal, 64(3): 901-925. (UTD 24, FT50)

8. Jiang, H.*, Wang, Z.*, Yang, L.*, Shen, J., & Hahn, J., 2021. How rewarding are your rewards? A value-based view of crowdfunding rewards and crowdfunding performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 45(3): 562-599. (FT50)

9. Zhang, J.*, Jiang, H.*, Wu, R., & Li, J. 2019. Reconciling the Dilemma of Knowledge Sharing: A Network Pluralism Perspective of Firms’ R&D Alliance Networks and Innovation Performance. Journal of Management, 45(7):2635-2665. (FT50)

10. Jiang, H., Cannella, A.A., Xia, J., & Xiao, T. 2018. Do Ongoing Networks Block out New Friends? Reconciling the Dilemma between Resource Dependence and Network Embeddedness. Strategic Management Journal, 39(1): 217-241. (UTD 24, FT50)

11. Jiang, H., Cannella, A.A., & Jiao, J. 2018. Does Desperation Breed Deception? A Behavioral Model of Venture Opportunism. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 42(5): 769-796. (FT50)

12. Jiang, H., Xia, J., Cannella, A.A, & Semadeni, M. 2017. Choose to Fight or Choose to Flee: A Social Embeddedness Perspective of Executive Ship Jumping in Declining Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 38(10): 2061-2079. (UTD 24, FT50)

13. Xia, J., Dawley, D., Jiang, H., Ma, R., & Boal, K. 2016. Resolving a Dilemma of Signaling Bankrupt-Firm Emergence: A Dynamic Integrative View. Strategic Management Journal, 37(8): 1754-1764. (UTD 24, FT50)

14. Carpenter, M.A.*, Li, M.*, & Jiang, H.* 2012. Social Network Research in Organizational Contexts: A Systematic Review of Methodological Issues and Choices. Journal of Management, 38(4): 1328-1361. (FT50)