

Professor; Associate Director of Shenzhen Finance Institute, Director of FEMBA/EDP Programme, Director of Center for Macro-Financial Stability and Innovation, Co-Director of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Finance Research Center

Education Background:
PhD in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MS in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison MA in Economics, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
BA in Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Teaching Area

Economics and Finance


International Finance, Monetary Economics, International Economics, Behavioral Finance/Economics

Personal Website

1. “Global value chain and growth convergence: Applied especially to China”,Dazhong Cheng Jian Wang and Zhiguo Xiao,,Accepted

2. "Lottery-Related Anomalies: The Role of Reference-Dependent Preferences",Jian Wang, Li An, Huijun Wang and Jianfeng Yu,,Vol. 66(1), pp 473-501, 2019

3. "Mood Swings and Business Cycles: Evidence from Sign Restrictions",Jian Wang, Deokwoo Nam,,Vol. 51(6), pp 1623-49, 2019

4. "Discussion of David Cook and Nikhil Patel's paper",Jian Wang,,Vol. 96, pp 122-125, 2018

5. Comments on “International Price System, Intermediate Inputs and Regional Trade”,Wang, J.,

6. “Understanding the Effect of Productivity Changes on International Relative Prices: the Role of News Shocks”,Nam, D., Wang, J.,,2018

7. “The Effects of Surprise and Anticipated Technology Changes on International Relative Prices and Trade”,Nam, D., Wang, J.,,97: 162-177, 2015

8. “Benefits of Foreign Ownership: Evidence from Foreign Direct Investment in China”,Wang, J., Wang, X.,,97(2): 325-338, 2015

9. “Are Predictable Improvements in TFP Contractionary or Expansionary: Implications from Sectoral TFP?”,with Deokwoo Nam,,124(2): 171-75, 2014

10. “The Taylor Rule and Forecast Intervals for Exchange Rates”,with Jason Wu,,44(1), 103-144, 2012

11. “Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Evidence Based on Vector Autoregression with Sign Restrictions”,with Lian An,,23(2), pp 359-380, April 2012

12. “International Trade in Durable Goods: Understanding Volatility, Comovement, and Elasticities”,with Charles Engel,,83(1), 37-52, 2011

13. “Home Bias, Exchange Rate Disconnect, and Optimal Exchange Rate Policy”,Jian Wang,,29, 55-78, 2010

14. “Favorite Son? Specialized Child Laborers and Students in Poor LDC Households”,with Andrew W. Horowitz,,73, 631-42, 2004

15. 《还原真实的美联储》,王健,,2013

16. 基于CGE模型分析非关税性壁垒对中国加入TPP的宏观经济后果,合作人:复旦大学肖志国教授,

17. “Understanding Trade, Exchange Rates and International Capital Flows”,Jian Wang,

18. “Micro-Foundations of International Trade, Global Imbalances and Implications on Monetary Policy”,Jian Wang,

19. "Globalization and Monetary Policy Institute 2014 Annual Report",Jian Wang,

20. “China’s Sputtering Housing Boom Poses Broad Economic Challenge”,Jian Wang,,Vol 9, No. 9, August 2014, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

21. “Conference on International Capital Flows and Safe Assets”,Jian Wang,

22. “Asia Recalls 1997 Crisis as Investors Await Fed Tapering”,with Janet Koech and Helena Shi,,Vol 8, No. 10, October 2013, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

23. “Gauging International Shocks and Their Implications”,Jian Wang,

24. “China's Slowdown May Be Worse Than Official Data Suggest”,with Janet Koech,,Vol 7, NO. 8, August 2012, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

25. “Exchange Rate Pass-Through Into U.K. Import Prices: Evidence from Disaggregated Data”,with Haroon Mumtaz and Ozlem Oomen,,No. 14, June 2011

26. “Global Imbalances and Exchange Rate Policy”,Jian Wang,

27. “With Reforms in China, Time May Correct U.S. Current Account Imbalance”,Jian Wang,,Vol 6, NO. 1, January 2011, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

28. “Durable Goods and the Collapse of Global Trade”,Jian Wang,,Vol 5, NO. 2, February 2010, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

29. “Why Are Exchange Rates So Difficult to Predict?”,Jian Wang,,Vol 3, NO. 6, June 2008, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

30. “Understanding Exchange Rates as Asset Prices”,Jian Wang,,September 5, 2008