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Dai Jiangang Jim WEBSITE
Selected Publications:
1. Book: J. G. Dai and Michael J. Harrison, Processing Networks Fluid Models and Stability: https://spnbook.org/ (Order from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/zh/dp/1108488897 )
2. J.G. Dai and Pengyi Shi, Inpatient Overflow: An Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2019.
3. A Braverman, J.G. Dai, X Liu, and L Ying, Empty-car routing in ridesharing system, Operations Research 67 (5), 1437-1452, 2019.
4. Anton Braverman, J.G. Dai and Jiekun Feng, Stein's method for steady-state diffusion approximations: an introduction through the Erlang-A and Erlang-C models, Stochastic Systems, 6, 301-366, 2016.
5. J.G. Dai and Wuqin Lin, Maximum Pressure Policies in Stochastic Processing Networks, Operations Research, Vol. 53, 197-218, 2005.
6. J.G. Dai and B Prabhakar, The throughput of data switches with and without speedup, Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Conference on Computer Communications, 2000.
7. J.G. Dai, On positive Harris recurrence of multiclass queueing networks: a unified approach via fluid limit models, Annals of Applied Probability, 5, 49-77, 1995.
8. J.G. Dai and J. M. Harrison, Reflected Brownian motion in an orthant: numerical methods for steady-state analysis, Annals of Applied Probability, 2, 65-86, 1992.
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