Sung Kwan Lee


Sung Kwan Lee

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Finance, New York University
M.F. in Finance, Sloan School of Management, MIT
B.S.E. in Finance & B.A.S. in Computer Science & Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania
Teaching Area



Household Finance, Behavioral Finance, Corporate Finance, Fintech


1. " Fintech Nudges: Overspending Messages and Personal Finance Management",Sung Kwan Lee,

2. "Sports Sentiment and Spending: Evidence from Sidney Crosby’s Fans",Sung Kwan Lee,

3. "Toward Comprehensive Measures of the Costs and Risks of Development Banks: The Case of the KDB",with Deborah Lucas,

4. "The Effectiveness of the Credit Limit Management Measure in Singapore",with Sumit Agarwal,

5. "Micro-Level Stress Testing on Homebuyers in Canada",Sung Kwan Lee,