
Conference Presentations:

11-13 November 2022. "The Ethical Self in Mary Shelley's Valperga - Patriotism, Freedom and Duty." 新文科背景下当代外国文学研究与外国文学教学高端论坛,暨南大学,广州

18-19 May 2018. "Mary Shelley and the Ethical Self - the Dialectical Qualification between Transcendence and Domesticity in Frankenstein." Remedying Distance: the Drive to Bring Closer in the Long Nineteenth Century. School of English, University of Hong Kong.

27-30 July 2017. "'Political Euthanasia' in Mary Shelley’s Valperga." The 15th International Conference of the British Association for Romantic Studies: Romantic Improvement. Centre For 18th Century Studies, University of York,UK. 

8-9 December 2014. "Lu Xun’s 'On the Power of Mara (Demoniacal) Poetry' - Re-reading the notion of 'Power'." Romantic China: the 2nd Colloquium - Cultural Relations between China and the West in the Long Nineteenth Century (c.1750-1914). Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.