LIANG, Huiling (Pauline)


LIANG, Huiling (Pauline)

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
PhD in English (Literary Studies), CUHK
MPhil in English (Literary Studies), CUHK
MA in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition, CUHK
BA in English, Jinan University
Office Address

TXB 525

Teaching Area

English Literature; English for Academic Purposes


Mary Shelley's novels; English Romanticism; 18th-century moral and political philosophy (especially, Rousseau and Hume); The French Revolution controversy


Conference Presentations:

11-13 November 2022. "The Ethical Self in Mary Shelley's Valperga - Patriotism, Freedom and Duty." 新文科背景下当代外国文学研究与外国文学教学高端论坛,暨南大学,广州

18-19 May 2018. "Mary Shelley and the Ethical Self - the Dialectical Qualification between Transcendence and Domesticity in Frankenstein." Remedying Distance: the Drive to Bring Closer in the Long Nineteenth Century. School of English, University of Hong Kong.

27-30 July 2017. "'Political Euthanasia' in Mary Shelley’s Valperga." The 15th International Conference of the British Association for Romantic Studies: Romantic Improvement. Centre For 18th Century Studies, University of York,UK. 

8-9 December 2014. "Lu Xun’s 'On the Power of Mara (Demoniacal) Poetry' - Re-reading the notion of 'Power'." Romantic China: the 2nd Colloquium - Cultural Relations between China and the West in the Long Nineteenth Century (c.1750-1914). Department of English, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.