
Danling Li is Assistant Professor (Teaching) at the School of Humanities and Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She obtained her doctoral degree from the University of Hong Kong. Her main research areas include higher education policy, research assessment and management, academic profession, and AI/technology-enhanced language teaching and learning. Her recent publications have appeared in international peer-reviewed journals such as Computers & Education, Interactive Learning Environments, Studies in Higher Education, Higher Education Research & Development, Higher Education Policy, International Journal of Educational Development and Higher Education Quarterly. Dr. Li also serves as a reviewer for several international SSCI journals, including Studies in Higher Education, the Journal of Education Policy, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Asia Pacific Education Review, Frontiers of Education in China, and Educational Technology Research and Development.

  1. Selected peer-reviewed journal articles (*Corresponding author)
    1. Li, D., Lo, W. Y. W*, Yang, R. (2024). Unpacking the discourse surrounding the impact agenda in the Hong Kong Research Assessment Exercise 2020. Research Evaluation. 33(1), rvae034. (SSCI, Q2)
    2. Guo, K., & Li, D.* (2024). Understanding EFL students’ use of self-made AI chatbots as personalized writing assistance tools: A mixed methods study. System, 124, 103362. DOI: (SSCI, Q1) 
    3. Yin, S. Guo, K.*, Li, D. (2024). To Assign a Topic or Not: Examining Critical Thinking in English as a Foreign Language SpeakingRELC. DOI: 10.1177/00336882231222651 (SSCI, Q1) 
    4. Lo, W. Y. W*. & Li, D. (2023) Reimagining the Notion of Hong Kong as an Education Hub: National Imperative for Higher Education Policy. International Journal of Educational Development. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2023.102938 (SSCI, Q1)
    5. Liu, Y, Li, D.* (2023). Unsettling academia: Academic career choices and pathways of PhD graduates in the Greater Bay Area in China. Higher Education Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/hequ.12460. (ESCI).
      Guo, K., Zhong Y., Li, D.*, Chu, S. K. W. (2023). Effects of chatbot-assisted in-class debates on students’ argumentation skills and task motivation. Computers & Education. DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104862. (SSCI, Q1)
        1. Guo, K., Zhong Y., Li, D.*, Chu, S. K. W. (2023). Investigating students’ engagement in chatbot-supported classroom debates. Interactive Learning Environment. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2023.2207181. Advanced Online Publication. (SSCI, Q1)
        2. Li, D. & Li, Y*. (2023).“Trust the people, not the institution”: University governance in coping with Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 in Hong Kong. Higher Education Research & Development. 42(3), 633-648. DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2022.2096574 (SSCI, Q1)
        Li, D*. (2022). There is more than what meets the eye: University preparation for the ‘socio-economic impact’ requirement in Research Assessment Exercise 2020 in Hong Kong. Asian Education and Development Studies. 11(4), 702-713. DOI: 10.1108/AEDS-07-2021-0164 (ESCI)
      1. Li, D. & Li, Y*. (2022). Preparing for RAE 2020 in Hong Kong: Academics’ research, writing and publishing trajectories in a neoliberal governance landscapeStudies in Higher Education. 47(7), 1410-1422. DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2021.1901272 (SSCI, Q1)

      Funded project

      Principle Investigator. 知识转型背景下粤港澳大湾区高等教育科研评价研究 [Research assessment in higher education in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area under the context of knowledge transformation]. 深圳市教育科学“十四五”规划 2022年度课题 [Shenzhen Education Bureau’s 2022 annual project on the “14th Five-Year Plan” of Shenzhen Education Science] (RMB 30,000) (2023-2025).

        1. Book chapter
      • Li, D. (2016). College student evaluation of English writing instruction: A case study of three universities in Fujian. In Q. Feng (Ed.) Foreign Language and Culture Studies, Volume 14. (pp. 102-110). Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

        1. Conference presentations
        2. Li, D. & Yang, R. (2023). Representation and interpretation of the non-academic impact agenda in the Hong Kong RAE 2020. Paper proposal presented at the Workshop on ‘The Impact Agenda: International Perspectives on the Non-Academic Impact of University Research’. King's College London, England. 13-14 April. 
        3. Liu, Y. & Li, D. (2022). Striving for academia: Responsive career trajectories of PhD graduates in the Greater Bay Area in China. Paper proposal presented at the symposium on employment trajectories of PhD graduates in East Asia Organized by UCL, PKU, HKU (CHERA), Virtual Meeting. November.
        1. Li, D. & Li, Y. (2021). “Trust the people, not the institution”: University governance in coping with Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020 in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 2021 AERA Annual MeetingAccepting Educational Responsibility, Virtual Meeting. 9-12 April.
      • Li, D. (2020). Academic identity as a coping resource in response to research quality assurance in higher education in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Research Conference. The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 11-12 December.
      • Li, D. (2018) Hong Kong-based mainland Chinese STEM doctoral students writing for international publication. Paper presented at the 1st MAAL/6th HAAL/16th Asia TEFL International Conference, The University of Macau, Macau. 27-29 June.
      • Li, D. (2017). Publishing in English-medium peer-reviewed journals: A case study of mainland Chinese doctoral students in Hong Kong. Paper presented at Faces of English 2: Teaching and researching academic and professional English, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 1-3 June.