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Li Xiaoyu received her Ph.D in Cultural Studies from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014, and has taught at the School of Humanities and Social Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen since 2015. Her research interests include visual studies, cultural modernity of China, as well as cultural politics of States and societies.
1. Li Xiaoyu, The Images of the Late Qing China in Album Creation: A Study of Different Selections of John Thomson’s Photography Works, Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art, Forthcoming. (〈模塑晚清——约翰·汤姆逊的摄影作品与选本缔造〉,《文艺理论与批评》,2022年第1期,CSSCI,中国人民大学复印报刊资料2022年第7期全文转载。)
2. Li Xiaoyu, Local Traditions, National Politics and Order of Frontiers A perspective from the fieldwork images of Republican Xikang, Journal of Sun Yatsen University Social Science Edition, Forthcoming. (〈地方传统、国家政治与边疆秩序——从民国西康考察影像出发〉,《中山大学学报》,2022年第2期,CSSCI,中国人民大学复印报刊资料2022年第3期全文转载。)
3. Li Xiaoyu, Frontier Image in Early Chinese Photography, Art Collection and Appreciation, 2021,Vol 17. (〈中国早期摄影中的“边陲影像”——以莫理循镜头下的西北与西南为例〉,《艺术收藏与鉴赏》,2021年17期).
4. Li Xiaoyu, Nation, Frontier and Ethnic groups: A Visual sample spanning thirty years, Open Times, 2021, Vol. 1. (〈国家·边疆·民族——一个跨越三十年的视觉样本〉,《开放时代》,2021年第一期,CSSCI).
5. Li Xiaoyu, Nations and Early Photography in Xinjiang, Theory and Criticism of Literature and Art, 2020, Vol. 4. (〈国家视野之间的“新疆旧影”〉,《文艺理论与批评》,2020年第四期,CSSCI)
6. Li Xiaoyu, Hakki Wai, Museum and Tourist Area: Transformations of the Traditional Residence in Shenzhen in 21st Century, Cultural Studies, 2020, Spring Vol. (〈老围屋,博物馆,旅游区——城市更新浪潮中的旧民居〉, 《文化研究》,2020年春季刊,CSSCI,中国人民大学复印报刊资料2021年第1期全文转载。)
7. Li Xiaoyu, Space Politics in Urban Renewal of Shenzhen, Beijing Cultural Review, 2019, August. (〈深圳都市更新中的空间政治〉,《文化纵横》,2019年8月号,CSSCI)
8. Li Xiaoyu, The Tone of Representation: A Case Study of Chinese Towers and monasteries in the Eye of Modern Westerners, Literature & Art Studies, 2018, Vol. 1. (〈再现的腔调——以近代西方人视野中的中国塔、寺为中心〉,《文艺研究》,2018年第1期,CSSCI,中国人民大学复印报刊资料2018年第8期全文转载。)
9. Li Xiaoyu, Ways of Representing Revolution: A Study Focusing on China in Revolution: The Road to 1911”, Journal of the History of Ideas in East Asia, 2016, Vol. 11. (〈革命的表述方法:以《壹玖壹壹:从鸦片战争到军阀混战的百年摄影史》为中心〉,《东亚观念史集刊》,2016年6月号(十期),THCI)
10. Li Xiaoyu, Looking Through the Freaks and Grotesques: On Diane Arbus, Shan Hua, 2011, Vol. 23. (〈怪异的背后——黛安·阿巴斯作品纵横谈〉,《山花》,2011年第23期,中文核心期刊)
11. Li Xiaoyu, Anxiety of Existence and the Entanglement of Humanity: A Study on Tragic Consciousness of Yu Qin Sao”, Xue Hai, 2006, Vol. 1. (〈存在的焦虑与人性的纠缠——论白先勇作品《玉卿嫂》的悲剧意识〉,《学海》,2006年第一期,CSSCI)
Book Review
1. Li Xiaoyu, Revolution and Art:on Pang Laikwan's The Art of Cloning: Creative Production During China's Cultural Revolution, in 二十一世纪(Twenty-First Century), No.4 (2020). (〈大革命与文艺——评彭丽君《复制的艺术:文革期间的文艺生产及实践》〉,《二十一世纪》,2020年4月号。)
2. Li Xiaoyu, The Politics of Transformation: On Xue Yu’s The Socialist Transformation of Chinese Buddhism, in 二十一世纪(Twenty-First Century), No.6 (2016).(〈改造的政治——评学愚《中国佛教的社会主义改造》〉,《二十一世纪》,2016年6月号。)
Book Chapter
1. “The Future of Regeneration: Art and the Politics of Space in the Redevelopment of Nantou Old Town”, in Maureen Ellis ed., Critical Global Semiotics: understanding sustainable transformational citizenship (London: Routledge, 2019).
Research Grant
Sole PI:
1. 《20世纪中国摄影实践中“民族形象”的建构与变迁》,2023国家社会科学基金艺术学一般项目
2. 《近代西方中国图像学中的华南海疆研究》,2020年广东省哲学社会科学规划项目一般项目(GD20CYS23)
1. 《中国图像传播通史研究》,2022年教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(22JZD029)
2. 《中国近现代历史课程在中外合作办学高校中的教学实践》,深圳市教育科学规划2022年项目
3. 《中外合作办学中的中国近现代历史教育教学研究》:广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程2022年“高等教育教学改革项目”
4. 香港中文大学(深圳)2022教学创新基金
Conference Paper
1. Li Xiaoyu, “The art and space politics in urban renewal of Shenzhen ”, Exploration and Free Views: National Outstanding Young Scholars Annual Forum , online meeting, 2022.12.18. (李潇雨,〈深圳都市更新中的艺术与空间政治〉,探索与争鸣杂志社:全国优秀青年学人年度论坛,线上会议,2022.12.18。)
2. Li Xiaoyu, “Rethink of Zhuang Xueben’s photography practice”, Shafei Photography Exhibition Seminar, Guangzhou: Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,2022. 8.18.(李潇雨,〈出走与收编:庄学本的摄影实践再探〉,广州美术学院美术馆:“现实话语与象征秩序——沙飞摄影展”学术研讨会,广州,2022.8.18。)
3. Li Xiaoyu, “Local Traditions, National Politics and Order of Frontiers: Xikang and its Images in the Republic of China”, Frontiers: the Flowing Historical Space, Beijing: Tsinghua University, 2021.12.11-12. (李潇雨,〈地方传统、国家政治与边疆秩序——从民国西康考察影像出发〉,清华人文与社会科学高等研究所:“边疆:流动的历史空间”学术会议,北京,2021.12.11-12。)
4. Li Xiaoyu, “Modern European Perceptions and Representations of Chinese Temples and Pagodas: Paradigms and Shifts”, The 15th Annual Conference of Nationwide Universities and Colleges of Art History, online conference, East China National University, 2021.12.4-5. (李潇雨,〈流动的图像——近代西方人视野中的中国塔寺〉,华东师范大学:第十五届全国高等院校美术史学年会·主论坛,线上会议,2021.12.4-5.
5. Li Xiaoyu, “The Shifting Images of the Late Qing China in Album Creation: A Study of Different Selections of John Thomson’s Photography Works”, Art and Time: the 2st Forum on the Advanced Art Theory, Online conference, Southeast University and Chinese National Academy of Art, 2021.9.25. (李潇雨,〈模塑晚清——约翰·汤姆逊的摄影作品与选本缔造〉,东南大学:艺术与时间:第二届艺术学理论前沿论坛,线上会议,2021.9.25.)
6. Li Xiaoyu, “Local Traditions, National Politics and Order of Frontiers: Xikang and its Images in the Republic of China”, Photography, Image and Its History: the 4th Forum on Urban Culture and Visual Production, Hangzhou, China Academy of Art, 2020.11.21-22. (李潇雨,〈地方传统、国家政治与边疆秩序——从民国西康考察影像出发〉,中国美术学院:摄影、图像及其历史:第四届“城市文化与视觉生产”学术论坛,杭州,2020.11.21-22。)
7. Li Xiaoyu, “A perspective from the fieldwork images of Republican Xikang”, Art and Truth: the 1st Forum on the Advanced Art Theory, Online, Southeast University and Chinese National Academy of Art, 2020.11.14. (李潇雨,〈地方传统、国家政治与边疆秩序——从民国西康考察影像出发〉,东南大学、中国艺术研究院:艺术与真实:第一届艺术学理论前沿论坛,线上会议,2020.11.14。)
8. Li Xiaoyu, “State, Frontier, Images: The Meaning Production and Shifting of Zhuang Xueben's Photography”, “Wide Vision” International Forum of Visual Culture2019: The View of Cross-Disiplinarity, Guangzhou, The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, 2019.12.8-9. (李潇雨,〈国家·边疆·影像:庄学本摄影作品的意义生产及流变〉,广州美术学院:“大视野”视觉文化国际论坛2019:跨界的观看,广州美术学院,中国(广州)国际纪录片节常务办公室,广州,2019.12.8-9。
9. Li Xiaoyu, “State, Frontier and Images: A Study Focusing on Zhuang Xueben’s photography”, The International Academic Workshop on Chinese Literature and Cultural Studies, Shanghai, Fudan University, 2019.11.8. (李潇雨,〈国家·边疆·影像:以庄学本摄影作品为中心〉,复旦大学:“古今与跨界:中国文学与文化研究”工作坊,复旦大学,上海,2019.11.8。)
10. Li Xiaoyu, “How the concepts generate and flow: The Meaning Production of Zhuang Xueben’s photography”, The Association of Chinese & comparative Literature 2019 Biennial Conference, Changsha, Hunan Normal University, 2019.7.16-20.(李潇雨,〈概念的生成与流动:庄学本摄影作品的意义生产〉,湖南师范大学:国际中文与比较文学协会2019年双年会,湖南师范大学,长沙,2019.6.16-21。)
11. Li Xiaoyu, “Hakki Wai, Museum and Tourist Area Transformations of the Traditional Residence in Shenzhen in 21st Century”, The second China Urban Issues Forum(Shanghai) , Hangzhou, Communication University of Zhejiang, 2019.4.19-21. (李潇雨,〈老围屋,博物馆,旅游区——城市更新浪潮中的客家民居〉,浙江传媒学院新闻与传播学院、《探索与争鸣》编辑部、中国城市问题(上海)论坛:第二届中国城市问题(上海)论坛青年论坛,浙江传媒学院,杭州,2019. 4.19-21。)
Invited Talk
2. "Old China in the Western Lens" in Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Library, 2019.11.16.
3. “The Western Lens and Old China" in Dongguan Library, 2019.5.26.
4. “Spatial Grammer of Shooting China” in China Development Institute, 2019.3.29.
5. “The Future of Urban village and Urban Renewal: A Study Focusing on Shenzhen’s works” in Sun Yat-Sun University, 2018.4.17.
6. “Old images of China ” in Longgang library, 2017.11.19.
7. “A City with One Thousand Facets: The Production and Transformation of “Hong Kong Image” in Arts and Literature”,OCAT Shenzhen,2016.8.6.
1. “Next Station, Hong Kong”,CBN weekly,2017.7.
Review and literary work
1. “拍摄中国的空间语法”,《上海书评》,2022.5.24。
3.“同一片当下中的两种时间:旅游开发逻辑下的客家地景营造”, 《澎湃新闻·思想市场》,2018.8.11。
4.“古建筑变民俗博物馆:文化观光逻辑中的客家围屋活化”, 《澎湃新闻·思想市场》,2018.7.9。