

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
BA (Tsinghua University)
MPhil (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Visiting Scholar (The University of Chicago)

Classical Chinese Drama,Ming-Qing Literature


Journal Articles:

1.  Li Yingyu, Dec. 2023. "Textual Research and Interpretation of a Rare Copy of 'Feng Youlong's Critical Edition of Xilou Ji' Stored in Japan: With Discussion on the Significance and Value of Feng Menglong's Critique and Revision of 'Xilou Ji'." (日藏孤本《冯犹龙批评西楼记》辨疑——兼论冯梦龙评改《西楼记》之意旨与价值), Journal of Traditional Drama and Vernacular Literature戏曲与俗文学研究》(CSSCI), Vol.13.  

2. Li Yingyu, Dec. 2023. "Figuration and Practice in the Sociology of Chinese Opera: Reviewing Tian Yuan Tan's 'Songs of Contentment and Transgression: Discharged Officials and Literati Communities in Sixteenth-Century North China'."( 戏曲社会学的型构与实践——评陈靝沅《逍遥与散诞:十六世纪北方贬官士大夫及其曲家场域》), Literature & Art Studies《文艺研究》(CSSCIAMI顶级),pp148-160.

3. Li Yingyu, Dec. 2022. "A Study on the 'Twelve Hairpins' of Famous Courtesans in Jingling During the Jiaqing and Wanli Periods of the Ming Dynasty. "(明代嘉万间金陵名妓「十二钗」考述), Studies of Nanjing《南京学研究》(AMI入库)No.2, pp192-209.  

4. Li Yingyu, May. 2022. "Historical Reconstruction and Political Trial: Research on Appropriation and Modification of the Play 'Tan Hua Ji' in the Court Drama Quanshan Jinke. "(历史重构与政治审判——论宫廷大戏《劝善金科》对《昙花记》的挪用与改易), Traditional Drama Research《戏曲研究》(CSSCI), No.5, pp118-136.

5.  Li Yingyu, Dec. 2020. "Feng Menglong and the Ye’s Publishing House in Suzhou in the Late Ming. "(冯梦龙与晚明苏州叶氏坊刻考述), Ming and Qing Literature and Documents明清文学与文献》, Vol. 9, pp. 216-235.

6.  Li Yingyu, Sep. 2020. "Three Issues on the Relationship between Tang Xianzu and Pan Zhiheng. "(汤显祖潘之恒交游考辨三题), Tang Zianzu Studies汤显祖学刊》, Vol. 6&7, pp. 302-315.

7.  Li Yingyu, Jan. 2020. "Courtesans, Literati Gathering and Acting: Pan Zhiheng's Dramatic Criticism and Literati Association in Nanjing in Late Ming. "(名妓、雅集与演剧——晚明南京文人结社视野下的潘之恒戏曲批评研究), Journal of Traditional Drama and Vernacular Literature戏曲与俗文学研究》(CSSCI), Vol. 8, pp. 188-208.

Conference Presentations:

1.   Li Yingyu, Jul. 2024, "Translation of The Biography of Courtesan Zhou," Chinese Classical Tale Summer Translation Workshop, University of Chicago, the U.S.

2.   Li Yingyu, Dec. 2023"Love, Skills, Knight-Errantry, and Travel: An Analytical Examination of 'San She Ji' as a Reflective Mirror of Late Ming Communal Culture," Chinese Studies Association of Australia (CSAA) 18th Biennial Conference 2023, Sydney University, Australia.

3.  Li Yingyu, Sep. 2023, "A New Interpretation of 'Qing' and 'Xia': Discussing Feng Menglong's Critique and Revision of 'Xi Lou Ji' through 'Chu Jiang Qing'. "(「情」与「侠」之新诠:论冯梦龙《楚江情》对西楼记之评改), "Art and Emotion" - The Fourth Frontier Forum on Art Theory, Southeast University, Nanjing.

4.  Li Yingyu, Aug. 2023, "A New Examination of the Author and Original Story of the Ming Dynasty Play 'San She Ji'. "(明传奇《三社记》作者与本事新考), The 6th International Academic Conference on "Traditional Drama and Vernacular Literature" and the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Drama Journal Alliance, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.

5.  Li Yingyu, Jul. 2023, "From Poetry to Drama: The Literary Trajectory and Cultural Reconstruction of Jinling Sun Chu Restaurant. "(从诗赋到戏曲:金陵孙楚酒楼的文学脉络与文化重构)The 12th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Verse Society and International Academic Symposium, Shenzhen, Guangdong.

6.  Li Yingyu, Mar. 2023, "Associations, Acting, and the Inheritance of Beiqu: A Discussion on the 1609 Yecheng Dashe and Performance of Beiqu 'Lingyun Ji'."(结社、演剧与北曲传承—1609 年冶城大社与北曲《凌云记》演出述论), 2023 CHINOPERL Conference (International Annual Conference of the Chinese Oral and Performing Literature), Boston, the U.S. (Online Conference).

7.   Li Yingyu, Aug. 2022, "Textual Research and Interpretation of a Rare Copy of 'Feng Youlong's Critical Edition of Xilou Ji' Stored in Japan: With Discussion on the Significance and Value of Feng Menglong's Critique and Revision of 'Xilou Ji'." (日藏孤本《冯犹龙批评西楼记》辨疑——兼论冯梦龙评改《西楼记》之意旨与价值), The 5th International Academic Conference of Traditional Drama and Vernacular Literature, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.

8.   Li Yingyu, Aug. 2021. "Courtesans, Literati Gathering and Acting: Pan Zhiheng's Dramatic Criticism and Literati Association in Nanjing in Late Ming, " The 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), Leipzig University, Germany (Online Conference).

9.   Li Yingyu, Oct. 2019. "Three Issues on the Relationship between Tang Xianzu and Pan Zhiheng. "(汤显祖潘之恒交游考辨三题), 2019 Tang Xianzu International Academic Forum, Fuzhou, Jiangxi.

10. Li Yingyu, Aug. 2019. "Courtesans, Literati Gathering and Acting: Pan Zhiheng's Dramatic Criticism and Literati Association in Nanjing in Late Ming. "(名妓、雅集与演剧——晚明南京文人结社视野下的潘之恒戏曲批评研究), The 3rd International Academic Conference of Traditional Drama and Vernacular Literature, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou.

11.  Li Yingyu, May. 2018. "Adapting to Popular Taste and Awakening the World: The Way of Elegance and Vulgarity in Feng Menglong's Adaptation and Commentary of Handan Dream."(适俗与醒世:冯梦龙《邯郸梦》改编评点中的雅俗之道), The International Conference on "Opposition and Integration: Elegance and Vulgarity in Chinese Literary Tradition," The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

12. Li Yingyu, Jan. 2018. "Bookstores, Commercial Publishing and Literati Communities——Feng Menglong and the Ye’s Publishing House in Suzhou in the Late Ming (1573-1644) Period, " Second Annual University of Oxford China Humanities Graduate Conference, University of Oxford, UK.