

YU Peng余鹏. 2024. The Historical Evolution of the Nanjing Type of Huang-Xiao Dialects and Its Strata黄孝片江淮官话古知庄章组今读南京型的演变与层次. Dialect《方言》 (北大核心,CSSCI,AMI核心). 2024 (3).

YU Peng余鹏. 2021. The Venerization of the Old Zhi Series Initials in the Third Division in Chinese Dialects and Its Related Issue 汉语方言古知系三等的软腭化音变及相关问题Studies of the Chinese Language中国语文》(北大核心,CSSCI,AMI顶级 (5).

YU Peng余鹏. 2020. On the Historical Relation Between the Huang-Xiao Subgroup of Jiang-Huai Guanhua and the Huai-Yue Subgroup of Gan: the Perspective of Zhi (支) and Wei (微) Convergence into Yu (鱼) (In Chinese, 余鹏, 从“支微入鱼" 现象论江淮官话黄孝片与赣语怀岳片的历史关系)Bulletin of Linguistic Studies 《语言研究集刊》(CSSCI来源集刊、AMI集刊入库), volume 26. 

YU Peng余鹏. 2019. Pronunciations of the Old Quanzhuo Initials in Huang-Xiao Dialects (In Chinese, 黄孝方言古全浊声母的今读 ), Yuyanxue Luncong 《语言学论丛》(CSSCI来源集刊), Vol. 60 第60辑, Commercial Press 商务印书馆

YU Peng余鹏. 2018. On the Historical Relation Between the Huang-Xiao Subgroup of Jiang-Huai Guanhua and the Huai-Yue Subgroup of Gan,  (In Chinese. 余鹏,论江淮官话黄孝片与赣语怀岳片的历史关系), Yuyan Kexue《语言科学》(北大核心,CSSCI,AMI核心) (4).


In cooperation合著. 2023.12Nancheng Dialect Chrography in Dongguan City《东莞市南城方言志》. Guangdong People’s Press广东省人民出版社

In cooperation合著. 2022.12Dongguan Dialect Survey Report《东莞方言调查报告》. Guangdong People’s Press广东省人民出版社


YU Peng余鹏. 2022.7.16-17. The defining features of Huang-Xiao dialects.In Chinese, 黄孝方言的分区特点),Linguistic Forum at Huazhong University of Science and Technology华中大语言论坛.

YU Peng余鹏2021.12.18-19. The phenomenon of Zhi () and Wei () Convergence into Yu () in Xinxing Yue and Its status in the Phonological History of Yue Dialects. ( In Chinese, 新兴粤语的支微入鱼现象及在粤方言音韵史中的地位). 25th International Conference on Yue Dialects.

Yu Peng余鹏2021.11.19-21. The source of the vowel ʯ in the Subgroup of Huang-Xiao in Jianghuai Guanhua and the Subgroup of Huai-Yue Gan. 江淮官话黄孝片和赣语怀岳片ʯ元音的来源,中国语言学高端论坛暨广东省中国语言学会2020-2021学术年会,广州:广东外语外贸大学

Yu Peng余鹏2018. 4.1-2. The Historical Relationship between the Huang-Xiao Subgroup of Jianghuai Guanhua and the Huai-Yue Subgroup of Gan: the Perspective of the Evolution of the Old Rusheng Rhymes. The 6th Young Scholars Forum on Phonology and Phonetics. East China Normal University, Shanghai. (In Chinese. 从入声韵看江淮官话黄孝片与赣语怀岳片的历史关系,第六届方言与音韵青年论坛,华东师范大学).

Yu Peng余鹏. 2017.11.18-19, The Historical Evolution of the Nanjing Type of Huang-Xiao Dialects and Its Strata (In Chinese, 黄孝方言古知庄章精组今读南京型的历史演变与层次), The Second International Conference on Southern Guanhua 第二届南方官话国际学术研讨会, Hunan University of Science and Engineering 湖南科技学院, Yongzhou, Hunan 湖南永州.

Yu Peng余鹏, Wan Bo万波. 2013. 11.30. The Developments of the QYS non-audible released stop codas in modern Chinese dialects. Annual Conference (In Chinese, 汉语方言古入声韵尾的今读类型),Oral Presentation. Linguistic Socioty of Hong Kong 香港语言学会年会,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大学,Hong Kong 香港.

Yu Peng余鹏, Wan Bo万波, 2012.8.29-31, The Sonorization of the non-audible release stops of Tōngchéng Gàn in Húběi (In Chinese, 通城方言古入声韵尾的响音化). 20th Annual Conference of IACL, Hong Kong 国际中国语言学会第20届年会. Oral Presentation.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大学, Hong Kong 香港.

Yu Peng余鹏. 2011.11.12-13. The strata of the initials corresponding to QYS initial stops in Ezhōu (Zélín) dialect (In Chinese, 鄂州(泽林)赣语古全浊声母今读的历史层次). 16th Annual Conference of National Society on Chinese Dialectology 汉语方言学会第16届年会, Oral presentation. Fujian Normal University 福建师范大学. Fúzhōu福州, China.