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Lifang Peng WEBSITE
Dr Lifang Peng is an assistant professor in the School of Humanities and Social Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She earned her doctoral degree from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
Dr Peng joined CUHK (SZ) in 2021. Before joining CUHK (SZ), she had research and teaching experience, working as a research assistant and a tutor at Victoria University of Wellington. She has engaged in research projects on modern Chinese political thought,the 2017 New Zealand General Election, and has taught courses about political science and international relations at Victoria University of Wellington.
Dr Peng’s research interests are political ideology (especially liberalism and socialism), political science, constitutional law, international relations, modern China and New Zealand. Her recent publications are “A Study of the History of Chinese Diaspora of New Zealanders from the Perspective of Global History” (co-authorship with Du Jidong, Wu Minchao, and Duncan Campbell, New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies) and "Carsun Chang on Democratic Socialism: Liberalism, Social Democracy, and German Idealism" (American Journal of Chinese Studies).
Peer-reviewed journal articles
Du Jidong, Wu Minchao, Duncan Campbell, and Lifang Peng, “A Study of the History of the Chinese Diaspora of New Zealand from the Perspective of Global History.” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 21, no. 2 (December 2019): 1-24.
Lifang Peng, “Carsun Chang on Democratic Socialism: Liberalism, Social Democracy, and German Idealism.” American Journal of Chinese Studies 26, no. 2 (October 2019): 107-127.
Media publications
“中美地缘政治竞争下太平洋岛国眼中的中国”,新西兰毛传媒. https://nzmao.com/?p=68562
“禁止或限制堕胎是否违背《美国宪法》之争议”, 新西兰毛传媒. https://nzmao.com/?p=68144
“A Glimpse at Ties between New Zealand and Xiamen”, NZ Mao Chuanmei. Updated 11 June 2022. https://nzmao.com/?p=67510
“1970年代的外交故事”,厦门大学新西兰研究中心. https://nzc.xmu.edu.cn/2022/0607/c5756a457019/page.htm
"New Zealand's Subtly Shifting Foreign Policy", The Diplomat. Updated 28 January 2022. https://thediplomat.com/2022/01/new-zealands-subtly-shifting-foreign-policy/
"Lee Teng-hui and Taiwan's Constitutional Arrangements," Asia Media Centre, Asia New Zealand Foundation. Updated 12 August 2020. https://www.asiamediacentre.org.nz/opinion-and-analysis/lee-teng-hui-mr-democracy-or-godfather-of-taiwan-independence/
"Lee Teng-hui: Mr Democracy or Godfather of Secessionism?" Asia Media Centre, Asia New Zealand Foundation. Updated 14 August 2020. https://www.asiamediacentre.org.nz/opinion-and-analysis/lee-teng-hui-and-taiwans-constitutional-arrangements/
“MMP下的政党政治:Peters是新西兰大选中的赢家吗?”厦门大学新西兰研究中心. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/39BghdVX1Z0jRWXy9A6xwg?
“谁将成为新西兰国家党党魁和新任总理?”厦门大学新西兰研究中心. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjM5NTA2NDY5Mg==&mid=2656440179&idx=1&sn=3167c4e3e41df029f9befede2fe43d60&exportkey=AxGGPIbI8yhJLPVhc3p7eO8%3D&pass_ticket=%2FCltJXY%2BixdzqmnP4pvzIJ1BNfoeaMTRZcvHv6Tg0%2BECOQ4qdYKiXW4S1wEbq7MD&wx_header=0
Invited talks
跨文化交流中的中西文化差异问题,香港中文大学(深圳)国际交流处. 20 November 2021. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/H_FXfrG9PRYllvxBjgFLqQ
“新西兰外交:务实主义与多边主义”,中山大学大洋洲研究工作坊. 6 November 2021. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_W3Y7lxRhLRMtdtsXTZGbw
"Carsun Chang on a Chinese Republic of Federated Provinces: Semi-Presidentialism as a Novel Type of Democracy." Seminar presented at the New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre, Wellington, 20 May 2020. https:zzwww.wgtn.ac.n?z33datazassetszpdf3/lez0004z1854q46zGlobal-China-Seminar-Elaine
Conference presentations
中美贸易战下的新西兰外交,“多元多维的大洋洲地区秩序”会议. 4 December 2021. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_I51XtSXsoGUjy9KKWehaA
“Transition from Absolutism to Representative Democracy: Zhang Dongsun’s Philosophy of the Politics of the Virtuous.” Paper presented at the 2018 New Zealand Political Studies Association Conference, Wellington, 25-28 November 2018.
Translated works
Chapters 13, 14, and 16 in Sovereign debt and the financial crisis: will this time be different? http:zzdocuments.worldbank.orgzcuratedzenz2015z05z24456195zsovereign-debt-/nancial-crisis