
Before joining CUHK-Shenzhen, Rui worked as an assistant professor at NTU Singapore and Rotterdam School of Management (RSM), Erasmus University. He has taught Intermediate Financial Accounting for Bachelor students, Financial Analysis and Equity Valuation for master students in finance and Accounting for non-business master students. His main research interests are in the area of heterogeneous interpretations of public accounting information, market anomaly and corporate decisions. His research has been published in The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and Strategic Management Journal.


1. Labor cost stickiness and managerial decisions on human capital adjustment,Dongmin Kong, Shasha Liu, Rui Shen,,Forthcoming

2. Steering the Intangible Wheel: Chief Executive Officer Effect on Corporate Cultural Change,Xina Li, Guoli Chen, Rui Shen,,Forthcoming

3. "Robust Pricing under Strategic Trading",Gong, A., Ke, S., Qiu, Y., and Shen, R.,,199,2022

4. Measuring Corporate Culture Using Machine Learning,Li, K., Mai, F., Shen, R., and Yan, X.,,34, 3265–3315,2021

5. "Does the Media Spotlight Burn or Spur Innovation?",Dai, L., Shen, R., and Zhang, B.,,26, 343–390,2021

6. Organization Capital and Mergers and Acquisitions,Kai Li, Buhui Qiu, Rui Shen,,53, 1871-1909,2018

7. "Peer Performance and Earnings Management",Du, Q., and Shen, R.,,89, 125-137,2018

8. "How CEO Hubris Affects Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility",Tang, Y., Qian, C., Chen, G., and Shen, R.,,36, 1338-1357,2015

9. "When the Role Fits: How Firm Status Differentials Affect Corporate Takeovers",Shen, R., Tang, Y., and Chen, G.,,35, 2012-2030,2014

10. The Role of Analysts in Intra-industry Information Transfer,Hilary, G., and Shen, R.,,83, 1265-1287,2013