
Dr. Yangyu (Shirley) Xiao is now an Assistant Professor (Teaching) in English for Academic Purposes in the School of Humanities and Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Dr. Yangyu Xiao obtained her PhD degree from The University of Hong Kong and her MA degree from University of Warwick (with distinction).

Dr. Xiao joined CUHK(SZ) in September 2018. Before joining CUHK(SZ), she obtained rich research experience as a Senior Research Assistant and a Post-doctoral Fellow at The Education University of Hong Kong, and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin. She has engaged in various research projects related to the English language curriculum, language proficiency tests, and English for Specific Purposes. Dr. Xiao has a good publication record and experience developing discipline-specific integrated language tests.

Dr. Yangyu Xiao has a strong interest in research related to second language teaching and assessment. Her expertise and research interest lie in academic writing, formative assessment, feedback, academic self-regulation, English language curriculum, and language testing. She serves the following journals as editors and reviewers:

On the editorial board:

Asian EFL Journal

Journal of English a International Language

As the reviewer: 

  • 1)       Applied Linguistic Review

    2)       Asia-Pacific Journal of Education

    3)       Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL)

    4)       Cogent Arts & Humanities

    5)       English Language Teaching Research

    6)       Heliyon

    7)       Language Assessment Quarterly

    8)       Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning

    9)       System

    10)   Studies in Higher Education

    11)   Journal of Asian Policies

    12)   Journal of Research in Childhood Education

  • 13)  Asia-Pacific Educational Researcher

  • 14)  Education and Information Technology


Editorial board:

Asia EFL Journal 

Journal of English as an International Language

Invited reviewer:

Asia EFL Journal 

Journal of English as an International Language

System (SSCI)

Studies in Higher Education (SSCI)

English Language Teaching Research (SSCI)


Peer-reviewed journal articles (*corresponding author):

21. Liu, X., & Xiao, Y.* (2024). Chinese university teachers’ engagement with generative AI in different stages of foreign language teaching: A qualitative enquiry through the prism of ADDIE. Education and Information Technologies. (SSCI)

20. Xu, L., Liu, X., & Xiao, Y.* (2024). Language teachers’ emotions in online classrooms: Relations among teachers’ appraisals of classroom events, emotional responses, and instructional practices.  Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education.

19. Xiao, Y., Liu, X.,* & Zhu, Y. (2024). Disentangling the mechanism of student engagement in online language classrooms from the perspective of Community of Inquiry. Heliyon.

  1. 18. Xiao Y, & Zhi Y. (2023) An exploratory study of EFL learners’ use of ChatGPT for language learning tasks: Experience and perceptions. Languages. 8(3):212. (ESCI)
  2. 17. Greenier, V., Liu, X*., & Xiao, Y. (2023). Creative translanguaging in formative assessment: Chinese teachers’ perceptions and practices in the primary EFL classroom. Applied Linguistics Review. (SSCI)
  3. 16. Xu, L & Xiao, Y. (2023). Students’ perceptions of Native/Non-native English-speaking EMI teachers: Are NS teachers better than NNS teachers? Frontiers in Education. http://doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.1082600 (ESCI)
  4. 15. Xiao, Y., Cai, Y*., Ge, Q., & Yang. Y (2022). The potential of using formative assessment to enhance academic achievement in the Confucian-heritage culture: A comparison between Hong Kong and Shanghai, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. (SSCI)
  5. 14. Yan, Z., Xiao, Y., Sin, K.-F*., Yang, L., & Guo, W.-Y. (2021). Formative assessment practices in Special School Classrooms with the support of E-Books: A case study. Frontiers in Education, 6(277). (ESCI)
  6. 13. Chen, Q., Hao, C., & Xiao, Y. (2020). When testing stakes are no longer high: Impact on the Chinese college English learners. Language Testing in Asia. (ESCI)
  7. 12. Xiao, Y.*, & Yang, M. (2019). Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: How formative assessment supports students' self-regulation in English language learning. System, 81, 39-49. doi: (SSCI)
  8. 11. Coniam, D., Falvey, P., & Xiao, Y. . (2019). A Qualitative inquiry Into the impact of the Hong Kong LPATE over the past decade and a half: Changes, challenges, and implications. Language Assessment Quarterly, 16(1), 105-124. doi: 10.1080/15434303.2018.1515950 (SSCI)
  9. 10. Zhao, W., Coniam, D. & Xiao, Y. (2017). English language curricula: A comparison of university English departments in a province in mainland China. China Journal of Applied Linguistics, 40 (2), 125-144 (ESIC)
  10. 9. Xiao, Y*. (2017). Formative assessment in a test-dominated context: How test practice can become more productive. Language Assessment Quarterly, 14(4), 295-311. (SSCI)
  11. 8. Coniam, D., Falvey, P., & Xiao, Y. (2017). An investigation of the impact on Hong Kong’s English language teaching profession of the language proficiency assessment for teachers of English (LPATE). RELC Journal, 48(1), 115-133. 
  12. 7. Coniam, D., Zhao, W., Xiao, Y.. & Falvey, P. (2017). Researching and publishing in the English departments of Chinese tertiary institutions: Status and challenges. Asian EFL Journal, 19(2) 111-140
  13. 6. Xiao, Y.* & Zhao, W. (2017) Oral presentations in the Chinese high school classrooms: Formative assessment or pedagogical activities. Foreign Language Education Research, (1). 13-22. 
  14. 5. Xiao, Y.* (2014) Exploring the learning potential of peer-assessed dictation in the Chinese context. Journal of English as an International Language, 9(3), 57-71.
  15. 4. Xiao, Y.* & Carless, D. (2013). Illustrating students’ perceptions of English language assessment: Voices from China. RELC Journal, 44 (3) 319-340.
  16. 3. Xiao, Y.* (2013). Formative use of summative assessment in the Chinese context. Research Studies in Education, 11, 52-67.
  17. 2. Xiao, Y.* (2012). Revisiting the concept of classroom assessment: Bringing formative and summative assessments together. Research Studies in Education, 10, 17-32.
  18. 1. Xiao, Y.*, Sharpling, G., & Liu, H. (2011). Washback of National Matriculation English Test on students’ learning in the Chinese secondary school context. Asian EFL Journal, 13(3), 103-129.

Book chapters 

1. Xiao, Y & Coniam, D. (2021). A qualitative Inquiry into student attitudes towards free learning. In R. Parker  & D. Coniam (eds.). Free learning: A student-focused 21st century pedagogy in an Asian context. Routledge.

2. Xiao, Y. & Gu, J. (2021). Fostering student evaluative judgement through assessment as learning in tertiary English language classroom. In Z. Yan & L. Yang (Eds.). Assessment as learning: Maximising opportunities for student learning and achievement. Routledge.

3. Xiao, Y. & Cheung, H. (2021). Supporting students’ summary writing skills in English medium instruction in the university context. In L.I.Su, H.Cheung,& R. W. WU. (eds). Rethinking EMI: Multidisciplinary perspectives from Chinese-speaking regions. Routledge  

4. Coniam, D., Falvey, P., & Xiao, Y. (2018). LPATE – A quantitative investigation of stakeholder perceptions. In D. 5. Coniam, & P. Falvey (Eds.) High-stakes testing: The impact of the LPATE on English language teachers in Hong Kong (pp.367 - 390). Singapore: Springer.

6. Coniam, D., Falvey, P., & Xiao, Y*. (2018). LPATE – A qualitative interpretation of the impact of the LPATE on key stakeholders. In D. Coniam & P. Falvey (Eds.) (pp.391 - 418) (corresponding author)

7. Mak, B. & Xiao, Y. (2018). LPATE training courses – An initiative to improve teacher language proficiency. In D. Coniam & P. Falvey (Eds.) (pp.169 - 190)

8. Mak, B. & Xiao, Y. (2018).The CUHK LPATE training courses - Reading and Listening. In D. Coniam & P. Falvey (Eds.) (pp.191 - 220)

9. Mak, B. & Xiao, Y. (2018). The CUHK LPATE training courses - Writing, Speaking and Classroom Language. In D. Coniam & P. Falvey (Eds.) (pp.221 - 256).

Invited talks 

Xiao, Y. 2019 Integrating formative assessment into EAP courses – Perspectives from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Talk made at Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province. July, 2019. 

Xiao. Y. 2019 Conducting qualitative research in language education: Research tools, data analysis and writing up publications. Talk made at Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning Province. July, 2019. 

Conference Presentations

Xiao, Y. 2021. Foster student learning through assessment as learning: A case study on second year tertiary students’ working on their research projects. HKCPD Hub Virtual International Conference. January 2021

Xiao, Y. 2019. Fostering students’ evaluative judgement through formative assessment in EAP courses in higher education. Fifth International Conference on Language Testing and Assessment & Inaugural Meeting of China Association for Language Testing and Assessment. Guangzhou, China, July 5th- 7th, 2019.

Xiao, Y. 2019. Fostering students' feedback literacy: How can university teachers help students develop ability to uptake feedback. The 17th Asia TEFL conference, Bangkok, June 27th – 29th, 2019. 

Xiao, Y. & Cheung, H.T. 2018. Supporting EMI students' summary writing skills in the university context. The 16th Asia TEFL conference, Macao, June 26th – 29th, 2018.

Xiao, Y. & Yang, M. 2018. Formative assessment and self-regulated learning: How formative assessment supports students' self-regulation in English language education. The 16th Asia TEFL conference, Macao, June 26th – 29th, 2018.

Xiao, Y. & Yang, M. 2017. Formative assessment and self-regulated learning in English language education. The 4th National Conference on Language Assessment. Guangzhou, September 22 – 24th, 2017. 

Yan, Z., Guo, W.Y., & Xiao, Y. 2016. Like it or not? Hong Kong primary school students’ attitudes towards formative assessment. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Asian Studies, Toronto, Canada, June 11-12, 2016.

Xiao, Y. & Zhi, Y. 2015. How can test practices be more productive in a test-dominated context, The 13th Asian TEFL, Nanjing, Nov.6-8, 2015

Xiao, Y. 2013. Formative use of summative assessment in the Chinese settings. Postgraduate Research Students Conference, the University of Hong Kong, May. 18th, 2013

Xiao, Y. 2013. Formative use of summative assessment: The potential in the East Asian settings. Asian Conference on Language Learning. Osaka, Japan, April 25th- 28th, 2013 

Xiao, Y. 2012. Peer-assessed dictation: Voices from two high schools in China, The 2nd GDUFS Forum on Applied Linguistics, Guangzhou, China, Dec. 7th -9th, 2012.  

Xiao, Y. 2012. Student perspectives of assessment: Insights from student drawings. Postgraduate Research Students Conference, the University of Hong Kong, May. 19th, 2012

Xiao, Y. 2011. Student perspectives of dictation in the Chinese high school context, AEA-Europe, Belfast, UK, Nov. 10th-12th, 2011

Xiao, Y. 2010. Classroom assessments in the Chinese secondary school context, Postgraduate Research Students Conference, the Uni

Research Projects:

Principle Investigator: 

An investigation of students' assessment literacy development in the Chinese educational context. Funded by Shenzhen Educational Science Planning Project. 2022-2024, 20, 000RMB

The AI-Enhanced Journey: Development of ChatGPT-integrated Content-Based Courses, Teaching Innovation Grant 2023-2025, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 80, 000 RMB