Lai Man SO (Stella)


Lai Man SO (Stella)

Associate Professor

Education Background:
PhD. in Marketing, The University of Sheffield, UK
M.B.A. in Marketing and Financial Management, Aston University, UK
B.Sc. in Behavioral Science, Aston University, UK
Teaching Area



Luxury Brand Consumption, Media Research


1. "Quadratic Effects of Hedonism and Uniqueness on Global Luxury brand Purchase",Stella L.M. So & Oliver H. M. Yau,,2018

2. "The Impact of Face Orientation on Western Brand Purchase: A Comparison between Consumers of Hong Kong and Mainland China",Stella L.M. So and Oliver, H. M. Yau,,Oxford, UK,2017

3. "Chinese Husbands: A Path Analytic Study of a Model of Family Buying Decisions",Stella L. M. So and Oliver H. M. Yau (2006),,11(5-Special Issue): 283-294

4. “What Matters Most in Advertising Agency Performance to Clients: Implications and Issues on Their Relationship in Hong Kong”,Stella L.M. So,,Vol. 27, No.2 (Fall 2005)

5. “Crisis Management and Recovery: How Restaurants in Hong Kong Responded to SARS”,Alan C.B. Tse, Stella L.M. So and Leo Sin,,Vol. 25, pp. 3-11 (2006) (Refereed)

6. Stella L.M. So,"A Comparative Content Analysis of Women Magazine Advertisements from Hong Kong and Australia on Advertising Expressions",,Spring issue of 2004, Vol. 26, No.1. (refereed)

7. "Chinese Women at a crossroad: An Empirical Study on Their Role Orientations and Consumption Values in a Chinese Society",Sin, Leo Yat-ming, So, Stella Lai-man, Yau, Oliver H.M. & Kwong, Kenneth,,vol.18 no.4, pp.348-367,2001

8. “What Matters Most in Advertising Agency Performance to Clients: Implications and Issues on Their Relationship in Hong Kong”,Stella L.M. So,,Vol. 27, No.2 (Fall 2005)

9. "Research on Advertising in Mainland China: A Review and Assessment",SIN Y.M. Leo; HO Suk-ching and SO L.M. Stella (2000),,vol.12 no.1, pp. 37-65

10. "Perceptions of Relationship Marketing Among Account Managers in Hong KongCommercial Banking Sector",So L.M. Stella and SPEECE Mark (2000),,vol. 18 no. 7, pp. 315-327

11. "An Assessment of Theoretical and Methodological Development in Advertising Research on Mainland China: A Twenty-Year Review",Sin, Leo Yat-ming, Ho, Suk-ching & So, Stella Lai-man, 2000,,vol.12 no.2, pp.53-69

12. "Internet a Hong Kong e in Cina",So, Stella Lai-man,,pp.39-41,1997