Prof. Tang Wenfang


Prof. Tang Wenfang

Dean of HSS, Presidential Chair Professor, Professor

Education Background:
B.A. Peking University

M.A. University of Kansas

Ph.D. University of Chicago

Public opinion, Political culture, Mass politics


Books and monographs

Tang, Wenfang. 2016. Populist Authoritarianism: Chinese Political Culture and Regime Sustainability. New York: Oxford University Press (winner of CHOICE Best Academic Title Award). 

  ◆  Russian Edition: Тан Вэньфан. 2022. Популистский авторитаризм. Китайская политическая культура и устойчивость режима. New York: Academic Studies Press.
  • Tang, Wenfang and He, Gaochao. 2010. Separate but Loyal: Ethnicity and Nationalism in China, Honolulu: East-West Center.      
  • Tang, Wenfang. 2008. 中国民意与公民社会 - Public Opinion and Civil Society. Guangzhou: Sun Yat-Sen University Press.     
  • Tang, Wenfang. 2005. Public Opinion and Political Change in China, Stanford University Press.     
  • Tang, Wenfang and William L. Parish, 2000. Chinese Urban Life Under Market Reform: The Changing Social Contract, Cambridge University Press.     
  • Tang, Wenfang. 1999. Party Intellectuals’ Demand for Reform in Contemporary China, Hoover Institution, Stanford University.     
  • Tang, Wenfang.1996. 谁来做主?中国当代企业决策  - Who Should Rule? Enterprise Decision Making in Contemporary China. Hong Kong: Oxford University Press.      

Edited books 

  • Tang, Wenfang and Iyengar, Shanto, eds. 2012. Political Communication in China: Convergence or Divergence Between the Media and Political System in China, Routledge (also published as Tang, Wenfang and Shanto Iyengar, eds. 2011. Political Communication in China, special issue, Political Communication, 28:3, 263-267, 2011).      
  • Tang, Wenfang and Burkart Holzner, eds. 2007. Social and Political Change in Contemporary China: C. K. Yang and the Concept of Institutional Diffusion. University of Pittsburgh Press.     
  • Tang, Wenfang, ed. 2007. Pitt in China: A Cultural Perspective by American College Students. Beijing: China Intercontinental Press.      


  • Wenfang TANG. 2024. Democratic Authoritarianism: A Study of Chinese Political Orientations, in Yang Zhong and Ronald Inglehart, eds., China as Number 1? Emerging Values of a Rising Power. University of Michigan Press, pp. 28-52.


    Wenfang TANG and Yang ZHANG. 2023. Revolution Derailed: The Struggle for Internet Control and Media Freedom in China, Asian Politics and Policy, Volume 15, Issue 4, pages 563-584 (, Oct. 13). 


    Wenfang TANG and Yue HU. 2023. Detecting Grassroots Bribery in an Authoritarian Society: A Survey Experimental Approach, Journal of Contemporary China. VOL. 32, NO. 140, 207–224. DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2022.2071883.


    Tang Wenfang, Hung JSY and Ho BYY (2022).  Indigenization of Political Identity in Postcolonial Hong Kong. Frontiers in Political Science 4:837992. DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2022.837992. PDF


    Wenfang TANG and Yue HU. 2022. Detecting Grassroots Bribery in an Authoritarian Society: A Survey Experimental ApproachJournal of Contemporary China. May 11. DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2022.2071883PDF


    Wenfang TANG. 2022. Democratic Authoritarianism: A Study of Chinese Political Orientations, in Yang Zhong and Ronald Inglehart, eds., China as Number 1? Merging Values of a Rising Power, University of Michigan Press (under review). 

    See a video presentation here


    Wenfang TANG. 2022. Propatainment: Party History Education in China, in Anna Scott Bell ed., Party Watch Annual Report 2021, Center for Advanced China Research (CACR), Washington DC. Full text


    张扬,唐文方(通讯作者). 2022. 中国青年眼中的中国共产党:文化与制度的两重逻辑, 《经济社会体制比较》. ZHANG Yang and TANG Wenfang (corresponding author). Sources of Popular Political Trust of the Chinese Communist Party.  No. 1: 158-170. Full text 

    Elise Pizzi and Wenfang TANG (corresponding author). 2021. “Managed Mobilization: Ethnic Identity and Political Participation in China,” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 27, Issue 4, 456-477. AbstractFull text

    Wenfang TANG. 2021. Understanding Authoritarianism: Review Essay, American Affairs, Summer, 2021, 139-153. 

    Wenfang Tang. 2020. “Publishing High Quality Quantitative Social Science Research Papers:A Reviewer’s Reflections” (in Chinese, 定量政治学论文审稿笔记),《中国政治学》,2020.10, pp. 86-99.  Reposted at 《政文观止》PoliviewNov. 11, 2020. 


    Liu, Xiaoyan and Tang, Wenfang (primary author). 2020. Sexism in Taiwan and Mainland China: “A Social Experimental Study”, China: An International Journal, August.  


    Wenfang Tang and Jingjing Lin. 2020. “The CPC as a Populist Authoritarian Party: An Impressionable Years Analysis”, China: An International Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1 (February): 26-46.                 


    Yingnan Joseph Zhou, Wenfang Tang and Xuchuan Lei. 2019. “Social Desirability of Dissent: an IAT Experiment with Chinese University Students,” Journal of Chinese Political Science, August 6. 1-26.                  


    Tang, Wenfang. 2018. “The ‘Surprise’ of Authoritarian Resilience in China,”American Affairs, February, February 20: 101-117. Translated in Chinese: 民意调查与中国政权韧性的五大 意外发现,《中国政治学》,2019第三辑,41-56. 


    Tang, Wenfang. 2017. 《如何测量中国民主:关于民主与政治幸福感的讨论》 (Measuring Democracy in China: A Discussion on Democracy and Political Happiness), Issue 1, No. 10, National Academy of Development and Strategy, Renmin University of China.                


    Tang, Wenfang, Yang Zhang and Martin, Sheri. 2017. “Revolution Postponed: The limitation of the internet in promoting democracy in China,” in Shan Wei and Yang Lijun, eds. The Rising Civil Society and State-Society Relations in China, New Jersey, London and Singapore: World Scientific.  


    Tang, Wenfang. 2017. “Same Bed, Different Dreams: The Bifurcation of the Chinese Communist Party,” in Shan Wei and Yang Lijun, eds. The Rising Civil Society and State-Society Relations in China, New Jersey, London and Singapore: World Scientific.   


    Tang, Wenfang, Hu, Yue and Jin, Shuai. 2016. “Affirmative Inaction: Education, Language Proficiency, and Socioeconomic Attainment among China’s Uyghur Minority,” Chinese Sociological Review, Summer, vol. 48 (4):1-22.  


    Tang, Wenfang. 2015. “Big Data and Small Data”, Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Social Science Edition), no. 6, vol. 55, general no. 258, 141-146.  


    Tang, Wenfang and Dong Erico Yu. 2015. “Public Policy Satisfaction in Urban China,” East Asian Policy, vol. 7, no. 2, 63-77.  


    Tang, Wenfang. 2014. “The Worshipping Atheist: Institutional and Diffused Religiosities in China,” China: An International Journal, vol. 12, no. 3 (December), pp. 1-26.  


    Tang, Wenfang, 2014, “Public Policy Satisfaction in Urban China: A Survey Report,” February, Institute of Public Policy, South China University of Technology. 


    Lewis-Beck, Michael, Tang, Wenfang, and Martini, Nicholas. 2014. “A Chinese Popularity Function: Sources of Government Support,” Political Research Quarterly, Volume 67, Issue 1, March, pp. 16 - 25.


    Tang, Wenfang. 2013. 政治信任度之比较研究 – A Comparative Analysis of Political Trust, 《国外理论动态》- World Theoretical Trends, July, 66-81.


    Tang, Wenfang and Benjamin Darr. 2012. “Chinese Nationalism and its Political and Social Origins,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 21, No. 77, September, pp. 811-826.  


    Tang, Wenfang. 2012. “中共党员群体特征及政治态度之分析- Chinese Communist Party Members in Transition, in 《中国治理评论》- China Governance Review, vol. 1, no. 1. 


    Yang, Qing and Wenfang Tang. 2010. “Exploring the Sources of Institutional Trust in China: Culture, Mobilization, or Performance?” Asian Politics & PolicyVol. 2, No. 3, pp. 415-436. Click to read 

    Tang, Wenfang. 2009. “Dispute Resolution and Legal Reform in China”, China Review, Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring), pp. 73-96. Click to read  

    Tang, Wenfang and Qing Yang. 2008. “The Chinese Urban Caste System in Transition”, China Quarterly. December. Vol. 196:759-779. Click to read

    Tang, Wenfang, 2001. "Political and Social Trends in Post-Deng Urban China: Crisis or Stability?" China Quarterly, December, Vol 168:890-909. Click to read 

    Tang, Wenfang, 2001. "Religion and Society in Taiwan and China: Evidence from Survey Data," in Shiping Hua, ed., Politics and Political Culture in Contemporary China, M.E. Sharpe. Click to read 

    Tang, Wenfang and William Parish. 1996. "Social Reaction to Urban Reform in China," Problems of Post-Communism, November-December. Click to read 

    Tang, Wenfang, 1993. "Post-Socialist Transition and the Environment," Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 13, August:89-109. Click to read


    Tang, Wenfang, 1993. "Workplace Participation in Chinese Local Industrial Enterprises," American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 37, No. 3, August:920-940. Click to read