Tat-How Teh


Tat-How Teh

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Ph.D. in Economics, National University of Singapore
B.Sc. (Hons) Mathematics and Economics, Nanyang Technological University

Applied Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Organization Theory, Digital Platform Strategy


1. “Intermediation and steering: competition in prices and commissions”,with Julian Wright,,Forthcoming

2. "​Should platforms be allowed to sell on their own marketplaces?",with Andrei Hagiu and Julian Wright,,Forthcoming

3. "Platform governance",,,Forthcoming

4. "Identity in public goods contribution​",with Fuhai Hong and Larry Karp,,,2021

5. “Highly flexible neighborhood promotes efficient coordination: experimental evidence”,with Yohanes Eko Riyanto,,,2020

6. "Cooperation and punishment mechanisms in uncertain and dynamic social networks​​",with Edoardo Gallo, Yohanes Eko Riyanto, and Nilanjan Roy,,Forthcoming