WANG Enmian


WANG Enmian


Education Background:
BA (Shandong Normal University)
MA (University of International Business& Economics)

Translation studies


1. A College Textbook on English-Chinese Translation (1-4th editions)对外经济贸易大学出版社,1999-2015
2. Translating English Business Journals, 对外经济贸易大学出版社,2005


Main Translations into Chinese:
1. 《增长理论:一种说明》(Growth Theory: an Exposition), by Robert M. Solow, 1988 Nobel Prize winner, 华夏出版社,1988
2. 《洛克菲勒传》(Titan – Life of John D. Rockefeller), by Ron Chernow, 海南出版社,2000
3. 《定位》(Positioning), by Al Ries & Jack Trout, 海南出版社,2002
4. 《入世后的中国》(China after WTO), by Laurence J, Brahm, 五洲出版社,2003
5. 《美国贸易政治》(American Trade Politics), by I. M. Destler,中国财经出版社,2006
6. 《付出》(Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World), by Bill Clinton,中信出版社,2008
7. 《紧迫感》(A Sense of Urgency: How to Overcome Complacency and Make Great Things Happen), by John P. Kotter, 中信出版社,2012
8. 《朗文商务英语词典》(Longman Business English Dictionary, to be published in 2016),商务印书馆


Essays on Translation & Interpetation:
9. 翻译补偿法初探(A Probe into Compensation in Translation),《中国翻译》,1988.2-3
10. 经贸翻译的特点与现状(Business Translation in China – Features and Status quo),《中国翻译》,1993.6
11. 我国的翻译批评:回顾与展望(Translation Critiques in China -- Review and Prospect ),《中国翻译》,1999.4
12. 应当重视翻译史的教学与研究(On Teaching Translation History), 《论翻译教学》,商务印书馆,2001
13. “口译在中国”调查报告(Interpretation in China: a Survey), 《中国翻译》,2005.2 
14. 外语水平:我国口译培训的瓶颈(Foreign Language Proficiency: The Bottleneck in Interpreter Training), 《中国翻译》,2007.1
15. 从母语译入外语:东亚三国的经验对比(Interpreting into Foreign Languages: An Comparative Case Study of China, Japan & Korea), 《中国翻译》,2008.1
16. 标题的翻译(Translating Titles),《纵横:翻译与文化之间》,外文出版社,2008.9
17. 北平沦陷时期翻译状况初探 (An Examination of the Translation /activities in Japanese-occupied Peking, 1937-1945,co=author) 《安徽大学学报》,2014.3