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· Park, Eric, Huiyin Ouyang, Jingqi Wang, Sergei Savin, Siu Chung Leung, and Timothy Rainer (2023). Patient Sensitivity to Emergency Department Waiting Time Announcements. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Forthcoming.
· Wang, Jingqi, Tingliang Huang and Junghee Lee (2023). Cross-licensing in a Supply Chain with Asymmetric Manufacturers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Forthcoming.
· Fan, Yiming, Jingqi Wang, Jingui Xie, Yugang Yu and Liqing Cao (2022). The Impact of Bundled Payment on Hospital Operations. Service Science. 15(2): 129-155.
· Jiao, Yifan, Jingqi Wang and Christopher Tang (2022). An Empirical Study of Play Duration and In-App Purchase Behavior in Mobile Games. Production and Operations Management, 31(9): 3435-3456.
· Zhou, Qin and Jingqi Wang (2022). Product Reliability and Extended Warranty in Supply Chains. Naval Research Logistics, 69(8): 1063-1079.
· Wei Zhang, Jingqi Wang, Reza Ahmadi, and Sriram Dasu (2021). Timing the Price Agreement in High-tech Component Procurement. Production and Operations Management, 30(11): 4105-4120.
· Jiao, Yifan, Christopher Tang, and Jingqi Wang (2021). Selling Virtual Items in Free-to-Play Games: Transparent Selling vs. Opaque Selling. Service Science, 13(2): 53-76.
· Wang, Jingqi, Hyoduk Shin and Qin Zhou (2021). The Optimal Investment Decision for an Innovative Supplier in a Supply Chain. European Journal of Operational Research, 292(3): 967-979.
· Wang, Jingqi and Yong-Pin Zhou (2018). Impact of Queue Configuration on Service Time: Evidence from a Supermarket. Management Science, 64(7): 3055-3075.
· Lee, Hsiao-Hui, Jianer Zhou and Jingqi Wang (2018). Trade Credit Financing under Competition and its Impact on Firm Performance in Supply Chains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20 (1): 36-52.
· Wang, Jingqi, Xiaole Wu and Vish Krishnan (2018). Decision Structure and Performance of Networked Technology Supply Chains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 20(2): 199-216.
· Huang Tingliang, Chao Liang, and Jingqi Wang (2018). The Value of “Bespoke”: Demand Learning, Preference Learning, and Customer Behavior. Management Science 64(7): 3129-3145.
· Lee, Hsiao-Hui, Jianer Zhou and Jingqi Wang (2017), Impact of Trade Credit Financing on Firm Performance in Supply Chains, Foundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management: 10(3-4): 253-269.
· Wang, Jingqi and Hyoduk Shin (2015). The Impact of Contracts and Competition on Upstream Innovation in a Supply Chain. Production and Operations Management 24 (1): 134-146.