Qian WANG (Bobbie)


Qian WANG (Bobbie)

Assistant Professor (Teaching)

Education Background:
MPhil, PhD (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Office Address

TXB 403

Teaching Area

English for Academic Purposes


L2 phonology
Speech production and perception
Second language acquisition
Corpus linguistics
World Englishes

Teaching Innovation Grant (CUHKSZ) 2021-2023

This project aims to develop a corpus-based English pronunciation and listening training course for students in- and outside CUHKSZ based on different speech corpora. Lesson plans and corpus-based teaching materials will be developed for tertiary-level students. The lessons developed in this project can be incorporated into different levels of English training courses offered by the University for both self-guided learning and classroom-based teaching. This course could also be further developed into an elective course for the University.