Assistant Professor
CUHK SZ Teaching Complex Room B1015
Urban ecology, sustainable development, social science research methods
Biodiversity conservation, human-wildlife conflict and coexistence, wildlife trade, conservation social science
The recruited member will be working with Prof WANG Yifu in School of Humanities and Social Science. Prof Wang is a conservation social scientist focusing on understanding different dimensions of human-wildlife interactions. Her research projects range from coexisting with urban animals to wildlife trade. She uses multi-disciplinary methods and aim to simultaneously advance nature conservation and human well-being.
Students who are
1) interested in research related to biodiversity conservation
2) willing to do desktop research or social science interview/survey research
Welcome to contact me!
Please note that
No cute animals to observe
No cute animals to play with
No cute animals to research on
Only complicated human beings
Bonus: you can play with my cats, who are the cutest and the second cutest creatures in the universe!