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Shengyu Yang (楊聖宇) WEBSITE
I don't have land, so I am not a gentry. I cannot compose beautiful proses, so I am not a literatus, either. I have no official ranking, not even brevet ones, so I am not an official. All that I have is the self-identity of a scholar, with no publication as proofs. Thankfully, no matter what happens, I am still a civillian, father, husband, and son. I will also remain a student of the recent past in China.
“Huizhou tea merchants and the origins of the lijin commercial tax in Shanghai” (徽寧思恭堂與上海釐金之起源), in preparation to be submitted to Historical Research in Anhui (安徽史學).
“Taxation, Donation, or Contribution? Coming to terms with Fiscal Lijin in Shanghai,” reject, revise and resubmit to Business History.
“Gu Wenbin and the Suzhou Charity Hall for Infants,” Conference Edited Volume on Guoyunlou, Suzhou, China, October 2021, cancelled by Covid.
Zhu Yi, “A Concise History of Lubu in Southern Song Imperial Rituals” (南宋大禮儀卤簿略說), translated by Shengyu Yang, In Religion, Literature, Image in East Asian Cultural Exchanges, 116-125. Princeton: Princeton University East Asian Studies Department and EAS Program, 2016.