Dr. Jun YAN


Dr. Jun YAN

Assistant Professor

Education Background:
Visiting Ph.D (Imperial College London)
Ph.D. (South China University of Technology)
B.S. (South China University of Technology)
Office Address

RX-616, Research Complex

Teaching Area

Solid State Physics; Semiconductor Physics; Optical, electronic, and magnetic proerties of materials


Renewable energy; Photovoltaics; Modelling; Device Physics; Organic Electronics

Research List

 Device Physics and Modelling Group 

"Bridging the gap between molecules and devices"

My group focuses primarily on the physics of molecular electronic materials and devices, and is particularly interested in device physics and modelling, with an ambition to connect molecular properties to device properties.

We develop models to simulate the process from exciton generation to charge collection for the photon-to-electricity conversion, with coupled excited state and charge separated state dynamics. The reverse process, which is relevant to light-emitting diodes, can also be modelled using the same modelling framework.

Our modelling framework can be easily coupled to experimental set-ups, allowing accurate determination of microscopic properties of molecules and devices. Our aim is to reveal the physical mechanisms behind organic electronic materials and devices and eventually facilitate the development and commercialization of organic optoelectronics.

Our research has been published in top journals, such as Nature Materials (2), Physical Review X (2) and Nature Communications, with noticeable international exposure (citation >3000).